Tips For Fire-Safety In The Home

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By Jim Bloom

There are certain things that are unpleasant to think about. People don't want to dwell on negative things, and that's perfectly reasonable. But sometimes, it's necessary to give proper thought to potentially disastrous scenarios in order to prevent them from becoming real. Fire safety is often one such issue. A normal person doesn't want to picture their home burning down, or their family getting hurt. But sadly, some people don't put enough thought into fire safety until it's too late. A reasonable amount of planning could prevent disaster in the future.

Every year, over a thousand people die from fires or related causes. The saddest part is that many of these deaths could be avoided through proper planning and precautions. One of the best ways to create preparedness is to have a set route in mind that will make it easier to escape during a fire. Make sure you plan the route with everyone in the house, so that everyone knows what to do in an emergency. Most fire escape routes involve having a path through the furniture and potential tripping hazards. For the upper floors of the house, having a portable ladder easily accessible can provide a quick path to ground level if the stairs become unusable. Once it's all planned out, have it practiced a few times. Once everyone knows how they're going to get out of the house, plan where you are all going to meet up, such a neighbor's home or other nearby, easy-to-find area.

In any sort of emergency, the most important thing is ensuring that everyone is safe. After that comes mitigating property damage. Smoke detectors are a good early warning systems, and it's recommended that everyone home has them in all of the most commonly-used areas, but a step further than that would be a system that detects and deals with the fire immediately. Fire sprinkler systems for homes are widely available at reasonable prices that can be fitted into older homes, and many new homes are built with them. You should also be able to find some that match the mood or decor of your home.

One of the most important items to have in your home is a fire extinguisher; at least one within easy access on each floor. Small fires can be dealt with easily and swiftly that way, preventing potential disasters. Wherever you decide to place it, make sure it can be found easily and quickly. One in the kitchen is usually good idea, since cooking accidents are common causes of house fires.

Of course, the best way to fight fires is to prevent them in the first place. Simple steps can be taken to minimize the risk of accidental fires. Many people love having candles in their home, and for good reason, but negligence around candles is one of the most common sources of house fires. Be sure to never leave them where they can be knocked over easily, and make sure the wick is about one quarter of an inch in length.

As a last tip, be sure that flammable chemicals are stored properly. Be sure to follow the directions on the labels, such as the storage temperature limit, and make sure the containers are not cracked or leaking.

While it's not always easy to take proper fire safety measures, you will never regret the extra security it brings to you and your family.

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