Mailbox Landscaping Ideas And Corner Landscaping Ideas

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By Darren Hartley

The enhancement of the curb appeal of the front yard is the reason for mailbox landscaping ideas. Plants that will fit a garden situated around a mailbox include drought-tolerant sedum, showy California poppy, iris, fragrant rosemary and yellow coreopsis mixed with colourful purple petunias and verbena.

Going with annuals is suggested as mailbox landscaping ideas. Annual flowers provide the opportunity to change the mailbox garden look year in and year out. These flowers bloom nonstop throughout a summer season. Fun with a mailbox garden can be had with the creation of a different theme on a yearly basis.

For beginners, mailbox landscaping ideas suggest starting with a simple mailbox garden. Until a homeowner gets the hang of it, it is best to keep the garden small and easy to maintain. The addition of four-season color and interest in the garden can be attained through a collection of grasses.

An empty backyard corner lends itself to many corner landscaping ideas. To assist the corner in its blending well with its surroundings, it is best to choose a landscaping option influenced by the existing style of the backyard. The use of the area near the corner must be a consideration in the landscaping.

Small water features as corner landscaping ideas add a decorative element to the backyard corner. Because of its location, the water feature will not be consuming a large portion of usable ground in the backyard. Water features that may be chosen include an in ground pond, a free standing fountain or a bird bath.

Seasonal displays fit into corner landscaping ideas to a T. A large container provides a perfect repository for holding seasonal displays. Matching the time of the year then becomes a matter of changing the contents of the container.

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