Newsletter: June 2014

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It's the summertime when the weather is high, you can stretch right up and touch the Qloud™... excuse the paraphrasing. Here's what's happening at GreenQloud!

Come summer most companies slow down somewhat for vacations, sipping ice tea with little tropical drink umbrellas, and generally suffering from the heat - not us though!

Granted, with temperatures in the high 10s we are enjoying the spoils of summer, but over at GreenQloud headquarters we have little time to stop and smell the blóðberg.


Gísli and Armina from our sales team attended the Terena conference in Dublin, Ireland. It was a chance to strengthen our existing relationships with educational and research institutions, and create new contacts.

Many of these organizations are very interested in or are in the process of implementing their own clouds so we gave advice, and shared ideas and case studies. Gísli was asked to be on a panel about the future of the cloud and its importance for research, educational institutions and networks, and he held his own with representatives from Microsoft and Box.

The conference was a success, with a lot of interest in our booth and our eduGAIN integration. The team also met with organizations outside the conference, including the Dublin Ecological Data Center.

Love is in the Qloud™

Last fall we sponsored the hackathon at DataWeek, and the winner of our Iceland Tech Tour, James, arrived at the end of May with his girlfriend, Elisse.

We invited them to the famous GreenQloud Monday Breakfast, and had a blast showing them around. More importantly, James chose this occasion to propose to Elisse!

She said yes, by the way. :-)

Moar hackerz!

We also welcomed the winner of the 2013 GlazedCon hackathon Yu Jiang, who took full advantage of his time in Reykjavik touring all of the local sites and even meeting up with other members of the Silicon Valley / Silicon East  tech community. It was so much fun to have both of our hackathon winners in town at the same time, and during Startup Iceland!

Growing the family

In addition to bringing in a new CEO in April, GreenQloud also hired across all company departments, even winning back two key employees on the development and operations team.

As GreenQloud’s business continues to grow internationally, we’ll continue to hire in the areas of development and sales, both locally and abroad. GreenQloud has been able to find remarkable talent locally and is strongly competing with more established Icelandic tech companies to win highly qualified staff onto its team.

GreenQloud has hired in its offices abroad as well, adding technical support staff to its Brazil team to further accommodate the growing roster of international clients.

Knowledge is power

We continued to publish articles that showcase the possibilities the Qloud™ has to offer, diving into software that can turn your virtual machine(s) into community hubs and enterprise productivity tools - and all that without a single gram of CO2 emitted.

Here's a quick recap of the topics covered in May:

Startup Iceland

GreenQloud had a strong presence this year at Startup Iceland. First, with Ben Kepes highlighting our cloud services during his controversial presentation (controversial because he cautioned against global tech communities replicating the Silicon Valley startup model) and again when the winning hackathon team used GreenQloud's public cloud to build a 3D printed gift certificate service for gaming sites like Steam.

The hack enables people to download and 3D print unique gift certificates, in the likeness of a game's characters for example, which feature a redeemable code.  The idea was born from the need to engage children in an tangible way with the games they play online. You can view all of the Startup Iceland speaking engagements here!

In June!

We have lots of things coming up during the summer, here are just two examples:

GigaOm Structure 2014

Our CMO Paula Gould will represent GreenQloud at GigaOm's Structure 2014 conference in San Francisco, and meet with the top cloud experts.

We're very excited, the event is traditionally excellent, and we expect nothing less from this year. You can follow Paula on Twitter, and keep an eye out on GigaOm's Twitter feed and on our #qloudvikings hashtag!

Cloud Network of Women

We're very happy to have Lily Cole in the Top 10 Women in Cloud Award this year, whose website and app is running on GreenQloud's Truly Green™ infrastructure.

This initiative means a lot to us, because it creates an unparalleled nexus between cloud, women in technology and the awesome impact cloud computing has on society and social interactions.

One last thing...

  • Remember, that if you need help with anything, check out our support pages or send us an email at support[at]greenqloud[dot]com.
  • Likewise, if you have any customer stories about how you’re using GreenQloud, with any tips and tricks that other users should know about, we’d love to hear from you.