Family Dentistry Vs. Corporate Dentistry

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By Rey Vetangelo

Whether you are professional businessman or a doctor who sees patients day in and day out, there is nothing that can be as effective as a good clean smile. It can help with negotiating, it can be very influential, and it can ultimately help you become much more successful. Here are some reasons why this is true.

There is nothing more contagious then a good smile. Even a baby who has no clue on what his influence is will be able to make others smile many times without them even realizing it. Many sales people will use the "yes strategy" which entails getting your potential customer to get in the habit of saying yes.

Unfortunately, not all dental practices are focused on personal relationships with their patients. Many are part of corporate conglomerates, where cavities and root canals are taken care of on a mass scale. It's all part of their business routine. Corporate dentistry is about one thing-making money.

Of course, local family dental practices need to make money, too. But a family dentistry is inherently more focused on building trusting relationships. They rely more on repeat business-clients that stick with them for many years, perhaps most of their lives. In order to cultivate these kinds of relationships, family dentistry is much more personal.

There is nothing that can break the ice like a bright and full smile. It can charm, smooth things over, and just be that cherry on top that gets you a raise. Smiles are important and show a lot about a personality as well. Many will agree that good leadership should be implemented with a smile.

2. One apparent benefit of regular pediatric dentistry is that it keeps your child's mouth healthy. Most dental diseases don't begin to show symptoms until after they have been around for quite some time. This means that if you are not attending the dentist regularly, it may take quite some time to catch a potentially dangerous and painful problem. By regularly taking your child to the dentist you can save money and future pain by taking care of any problem early, or even before it begins.

Teeth can be compared to peacock tails in that they are genetically designed to help choose a mate. When an individual is healthy and strong, their teeth will show the part along with the rest of their body. This is good for anyone who is still dating or who is looking to become more attractive to the opposite sex. Good teeth means good health when it is natural.

Whether you are looking to bolster your career, be more attractive, or just make people feel comfortable when they are around you, a good smile is crucial. It can take some time and effort but it will be well worth it. Give the Dentist in West Jordan a call and make sure that you start building that smile that will open doors in the future.

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