Factors Contributing To Increased Numbers Of Unclaimed Freight

Posted by Unknown on 1:12 AM with No comments
By Ina Hunt

The hectic nature of the various Shipping companies makes cases of loss of cargo very common. The huge crowds of people characterizing these areas cause the cases of unclaimed freight to increase. Also due to hitches in the process of delivering goods purchased online, cases of lost items have in the recent past been on the rise.

In most cases, uncollected cargo is shipment from a manufacturer or distributor that was left uncollected or lost. These items are mostly newly manufactured items that are lost or delivered to the wrong place. In most cases they are unused goods which could even have tags on them. The loss of these goods easily result to losses of huge amounts to the owner.

Some of the reasons why cargo lack owners in most cases include death, increased taxes among other reasons. When this cargo [s uncollected, the goods are auctioned. Given the fact that no one would spend so much money to ship worthless goods, most of these auctions are very intense with large numbers of people bidding on the quality goods. The proceeds from the auction are paid to the storage company, the shipping container company and the remaining amount is paid to the initial owner of the goods.

In some cases, the individual may fail to pay the necessary fees required to import the items. Failure to pay may result to their goods being held up at customs. If the owner fails to pay within the stipulated time given, the goods are handed over to the auction company for disposal.

In some cases, the owner of the good may have passed away before the goods were collected from the warehouse. If family members do not collect the goods, these items are left unclaimed. They are thus left in the hands of the shipping companies to do as they wish.

In some cases, the owner of the goods may have suffered an accident or ailment that rendered them incapacitated. This puts them in a condition that claiming the goods becomes difficult especially where they do not have an agent or the necessary documentation to prove that the goods belong to them. This cases automatically make the goods unclaimed and left in the custody of the shipping companies.

As long as the goods are left unattended it can be sold or auctioned. If the shipping company does so, the owner has no legal option to sue the company or claim the goods.Many individuals make huge losses by leaving their cargo unclaimed.

Shipping companies should always be ready to have cases of uncollected freight. They should always have reliable auctioning companies to clear out the huge stacks of these cargo. This not only clears them to create space for new arrivals but also ensures that they protect themselves from any legal losses they may get into by being in possession of the freight.

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