Do It Yourself Or Professional Bat Control Wellington FL

Posted by Unknown on 1:27 AM with 1 comment
By Sally Delacruz

Bats, although so beneficial to the planet that they are protected by law, can be a real problem when they invade your home, garage, or barn. They keep flying insects under control, but a resident colony can damage buildings and smell awful. Fortunately, bat control Wellington FL is fairly simple, although not necessarily easy. If you're not real do-it-yourself handy, you may want to call a professional pest service.

Florida is a great place for bats, since it's also a great place for insects and valuable fruit trees and shrubs. There are at least thirteen species of these nocturnal mammals in the state. Most eat insects - like thousands every night - while others eat fruit. The latter are important pollinators and also help spread wild fruit-bearing plants which wildlife depend on for food.

Homeowners all over the country have a responsibility to help protect these beneficial little animals, which are protected by law. They are vital to the environment, but man's activities have removed much of their natural habitat. If they invade your home, you will have to make them move. However, many people put up bat-houses in their gardens for animals evicted from buildings or to attract others.

However, bats do carry disease, including rabies, and should not be sharing the spaces where you live and work. You should never touch a live bat, which might bite in attempting to defend itself, and one found on the ground could have rabies. If one is in your house, you can trap it in a thick towel and release it outside.

Professionals can bat-proof your home and outbuildings. The pros will know how to get rid of bats without trapping or poisoning them, which is illegal. Removal must be done from September to March, since it's also illegal to harass bats during the breeding seasons of spring and summer. Professional help may be needed to deal with damage, guano, and odor, as well as sealing entry holes.

Of course, you can handle the problem yourself. Go online to learn how to partially seal off entry holes to make it possible for the animals to leave but not to get back in. It takes about a week to make sure all bats are out of the building. After that, holes may be sealed or screened to close them off permanently.

There are electronic devices made for repelling bats and other invaders. If set in bat-repelling mode, the sound they emit will be undetectable to humans. Motion detectors set off flashing lights, another thing bats don't like. This is an effective, environmentally-friendly solution which is also humane.

It's important to protect these beneficial animals who are finding modern life difficult. However, it's also important to keep them away from the places your family calls home.

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