What To Understand About Mythology Books For Teens

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By Tammie Caldwell

There are many lessons to learn about life and one can do this through the stories that are read from time to time. This is one of the best ways for teenagers to learn about life and to connect with the ancient tales that are still a part of society today. Mythology books for teens blend ancients myths with the modern world which make the stories relatable.

As one read these stories, they notice the gods who were mighty in the tales of old are still powerful even though they are in a world that does not resemble the settings where they originated. The themes of the stories and the wars that existed between the gods have not changed. They have simply been extended to the present day.

Even though, the stories are related to ancient myths, the focus of these stories tend to be the teenagers who are the children of the ancient gods. They cannot know who the immortal parent is because of the rules that have been set up. Yet, even though these are ancient beings, they are now in a world that uses cell phones and orders food from restaurants.

It is this blending of the old with the new that makes these stories accessible to teenagers. They contain themes such as friendship and loss that they can relate to because they have to deal with this in reality. Even everyday things such as school and the troubles some teenagers have at home are subjects that are address in the modern adaptations of these myths.

Much of what is considered a handicap is considered to be gifts since in the modern world, but this usually applies to the demi-gods in the stories. Being a product of both humans and gods means that one has certain advantages and gifts that no one else has. However, these gifts are usually discovered later when a crisis occurs.

When a teen reads this information about their favorite character, they can look at their own abilities and how it makes them stand out. It is difficult to find one's place in the world when everyone says that things should be done a certain way. This is another reason why these stories are so powerful because they allow a young person to dream.

One of the interesting things about these myths is the connection between the divine and the human. The gods usually have children with the humans, but they can never see them. This creates some tension in the story, but it is usually resolved when the child understands the reasons why they are not allowed to meet and their purpose in the greater world.

Books are a good way to travel to different worlds. They help the reader to see things differently and to create possibility and hope. It is only when a person is able to relate to the story that they are able to make sense of it. This is why it is important to blend the old with the new while keeping the core message the same.

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