What To Know About Speech Therapy For Kids Tucson

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By Tammie Caldwell

It is important that parents and caretakers of children pay close attention to how they develop. They should know what is considered normal and what should be addressed in terms of how their child grows and learns. Early speech and language development is important. If there is any reason to believe that a child is struggling in this respect, his or her parents should seek professional help. Therapy may be necessary. Speech therapy for kids Tucson is available to all those living in or around Tucson, AZ.

Parents need to know what is normal and what is not when it comes to this type of development. Babbling and cooing are the most early stages of development that occur before 12 months of age. As babies make it to the 9 month stage, they begin to string different sounds together, use varying tones, and say words like mama or dada.

From the months of 12 to 15, parents should see some expansion. Kids should know how to mimic and approximate more words and sounds. They may know a few more words and speak them clearly. It is common for them to babble still. They should also be at a point where they understand basic directions. The ages of 18 to 24 months is where they should expand their vocabulary to include anywhere from 20 to 50 words. In fact, most kids aged 2 are expected to have a vocabulary of more than 50 words and be able to make short and simple sentences.

Major stride are expected between ages 2 and 3. The vocals should increase and kids are expected to make sentences more easily. It is also normal for them to improve comprehension.

Speech is defined as verbal expression. This involves articulation, or the way that sounds and words are formed. Language has a broader definition. It is essentially the entire system of expression. This also relates to messages being received in a meaningful way. It involves understanding and being understood by others, whether it is through written, non-verbal or verbal communication.

The problems a kid may have with range. Some struggle with pronunciation. Others cannot put together more than two words. A kid could have difficulty understanding, but may still use phrases and words for expression. Children who speak well may struggle following directions.

A lot of things can cause these developmental problems. Parents should seek professional care for a diagnosis and also information on a potential cause. Early evaluation done by a speech-language pathologist is essential. During an evaluation, these professionals will look at communication skills within context of normal development. Pathologists will also perform various standardized scales and tests, and look for relevant milestones.

Kids may require speech therapy. Parents can get involved in the process and are encouraged to. They are able to observe the sessions and can learn ways to participate and help their child. The therapist will show the parents how to work with their child at home so they can improve their skills. Parents can help a great deal by communicate frequently with their child and reading to them. If an underlying cause is to blame for the slow development, this should be looked into for medical solutions as well.

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