Make Your Carpets Last As Long As Possible

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By Suzanne Herrman

Carpet is a substantial financial investment, especially if you have purchased and installed carpeting in several rooms of your house. Depending on the type of padding and carpet you choose, a single room can cost more than $850 to carpet, so it pays to maintain this flooring as well as possible so that it not only lasts for years but also continues to enhance the look of your room. Here are a few tips to keep carpeting in good shape for as long as possible.

Vacuuming is extremely important, and you definitely need to make sure you get out the vacuum and clean up the carpet at least once each week. In some areas, it might be best to vacuum the carpet two times each week. If you live alone or it's just you and a spouse, once a week is probably ok, but if you have pets and kids, these little creatures tend to track in a bunch of dust and other dirt during the course of a week. To make vacuuming more efficient, spend the money to purchase a high-end vacuum, preferably with a HEPA filter to reduce dander, pollen and dust that can aggravate allergies and asthma.

Treat any stains immediately with a combination of cold water and white vinegar. Keep this in a spray bottle and dab up the moisture with a clean white cloth. You can also use plain ice water to remove many stains, but if you have a truly terrible stain and you are not sure what to do, contact your local Baton Rouge carpet cleaning service as they have top-quality equipment and solutions to remove the majority of stains that might affect your carpeting.

Periodic deep cleaning also needs to be scheduled, and it's best to have a professional handle the job because they are experts at stain removal and ensuring that all different types of carpeting are handled appropriately. Your carpet cleaner also can clean your area rugs, which also need periodic deep cleaning, and many can even clean your Oriental rugs. Professional carpet cleaning should be scheduled at least once a year, but the Environmental Protection Agency actually recommends that carpets are cleaned every six months in order to minimize bacteria, fungi, dust mites and other toxic items in your carpeting.

Air quality has an effect on your carpeting, and when your home's air filter gets old and clogged, it's time to replace this filter. Otherwise this dust has nowhere to go other than your carpet. Replacing this filter also reduces problems associated with COPD, allergies and asthma.

When something rests on your carpeting for a long amount of time, it leaves indentions. Rearranging your furnishings can keep these indentions from become permanent fixtures in the carpet. Even you just move a bed or couch a few inches; it can help preserve your carpet. In addition, sunlight will fade your carpet, so when you are not at home, be sure to close blinds and drapes to keep this fading to a minimum.

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