Reasons Why Teen Abuse Drugs; Elements In A Substance Abuse Presentation

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By Jerry Graham

Being a ten is one of the most difficult times of growing up. That is because at this I because at this age you want to try out different kinds of things that your body finds appealing. This includes drugs that your parents had strongly discouraged. Keep reading to know why this stage is a stage when ones try to do some exploration and also which the main elements in a Substance Abuse presentation.

Demand from their peers. In life, many challenges pile up the pressure on you, but most people in the adolescent stage tend to be overcome by such pressure and swing to the side it is driving them to. This is usually sued to the fact that they are not able to make their good decision as a result of the fear of being laughed at or even being left out completely from the group of their mates hence forced to sing to their general tune.

At this stage, there is the feeling of being a grown up. Adolescents want to be treated like adults at this stage. They feel they understand what life is all about and should be left to make choices on their own without influences from parents and guardians. At such a stage, they feel entitled to all the vices they see adults do such as drinking, smoking and partying all night and boast of the feeling.

The way a parent or a guardian brings up a child is the way he or she will grow up being. Therefore parents who drink alcohol as their children are watching or even smoking with time raise that curiosity among them and will one day start drinking or smoking with the excuse that, the parent does the same too.

Teenagers can get into drugs because of curiosity. Curiosity is a seductive behavior that will make you attracted to things you see and have never tried whether they are right or wrong. They have been seeing people get high and have watched several movies of people get high and do crazy things afterward. They thus could want to feel the feeling of using such drugs and walking around feeling high.

Bored teens may be tempted to try out drugs. Boredom can change many things in a teens life. Normally, you would like to be busy. Maybe that plays station, that soccer game. However, if you have nothing to keep your companies, you may end trying out some stupid things that will make you forget that you are bored.

Such behavior can be an aftermath of rebellion. Children who are brought up under strict rules upon reaching such an age where they feel grownups tend to rebel against their folks a situation that may land them to such drug use as they become rude and do not listen to any advice.

Also, is the parent-teacher relationship working? This is crucial in the transition of the Childs life to adulthood. With the right counsel and supervision both at school and at home. Be sure that in most cases the teen will be a promising adult unlike when there is no council both sides.

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