4 Christmas Decoration Facts From Hampton Tick Control Companies

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By David Kellan

To say that holiday decorations are popular would be an understatement. Even though everyone has their favorites, no matter how big or small they might be, many of these decorations possess interesting histories. Christmas lights installation Long Island specialists can agree, which is why you should take some time out of your holiday season to learn. Here are 4 of the most intriguing factoids you might not have known about your favorite holiday decorations.

To start off, did you know that the first array of electric Christmas lights was invented by none other than Thomas Edison? Yes, the same man that was responsible for devices like the phonograph and the light bulbs we use today has also been influential for creating holiday season traditions. He displayed the first electric Christmas lights back in 1880. Seeing as how most people would try to use candles as their own lights beforehand, this was an extraordinary development.

As companies such as Alternative Earthcare will tell you, Christmas trees date back to 15th century Germany. They were dressed with ornaments like trees are in the modern day, but people would use wafers and applies as opposed to the ornaments we use today. If you don't know where Christmas trees came from, a history lesson is all that you need. This is another fact regarding Christmas that your local Christmas light installation Long Island company can tell you about.

Also, despite how popular gingerbread houses are, they are just as connected to fairytales as they are to Christmas. The tale of Hansel and Gretel is one that people know from their childhoods, as it tells the story of two children that meet a witch. Her home was made of various sweets including gumdrops, licorice, and, as you might have guessed, gingerbread cookies. When creating miniature houses in your own home, be aware of their connection to popular fiction.

Candy canes are popular during this time of the year, but their origin isn't well-known. They were created in Cologne, Germany, with the main purpose being to calm children that misbehaved during church. Since their creation in the 1600s, candy canes have become a mainstay, even beyond Christmas. While there have been other flavors of candy canes, the red and white original is the one that people turn to the most.

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