Why A Modern Dog Crate Can Help With Training A Pup

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By Kimberly Patterson

Having pets at home helps so much especially if you are living alone. Dogs, in particular, are just the sweetest nicest creatures that you can have live with you. The maintenance and money spent of these animals are just all worth the amount of time, effort and money that you shell out.

training and management for these pups can be quite the challenge. Thankfully there are many things available in pet shops that can help with this. A modern dog crate, for example helps with many aspects of the righteous way of teaching them discipline and establishing a sort of routine that helps significantly especially when there is no one in the house.

Some may say that a crate would be more like a prison like enclosure than it is a good place for them to rest. But for those that are being trained to use a crate since their early years, they are likely to find some rest and make it as their personal haven. This happens because wild dogs have evolved to see this as their den and thus staying in such a place makes them feel safe while resting.

First off, this lets the dog get more used to the indoors, or a new environment. This is especially true especially if the animal was adopted or picked up from outdoors. There would be no worry about them soiling the crate since they know, instinctively, not to disembowel where they sleep, or eat.

The best bed for the pup would depend on his size and if he or she was the type to chew on a lot of things. The appropriate size would have the dog be able to stand up and stretch. The metal ones are perfect for the bigger dogs while plastic made ones are for the smaller breeds. Just make sure you have the perfect balance size and comfort because if the space is too big, the pet would have enough space to sleep and disembowel.

This makes for a great place to give them a time out if they are being a bit fussy. The point is not to make them hate the place but to reinforce discipline. To avoid them associating the den with displeasure, make sure nothing bad happens inside their safe space, so that means no scolding and punishing while he or she is in there.

Management is different from training in a way that it does not teach the dog to do something new. Rather this reinforces them to not act upon their bad habits. You have the option of putting a chew toy inside the enclosure and putting them in there as a distraction for when the pizza guy arrives so they do not get to pounce on him.

Training them for a routine to go and do their business would vary depending on how old they are. Pups that are 12 weeks old or less do not have a strong bladder to they need to be let out every two hours. Some observation may be needed for you to know what set up works well for them.

It is amazing how such a small space can promote so much behavioral changes for the puppy. The right way of training and management is important for this structure to be effective though. The training may be difficult at first with lots of crying an whining. As long as the balance of reward and punishment is well maintained, everything should just move on smoothly.

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