Understanding The Last Days By Reading End Of Times Book By Roy Burger

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By Elizabeth Walker

The end of anything is better than the beginning. Also, the first will be last. There is a time for everything. A time to be born and a time to die. A time of creation and a time when the earth ends. It may seem like a bleak and sad story but those with the hope for eternity it is good news. That is why they read end of times book by Roy Burger with happiness in their hearts. Because they love the truth and want to understand the realities of the last days.

The Bible, the greatest book ever written has said a lot about this time of history. The prevailing theme is that it is a period of great human suffering. Earthquakes, droughts and human evil have been predicted. These are being observed first hand with nation rising against nation in world wars and leaders who care very little about people, committing injustice.

People need to get enlightenment about the various issues. That is why a good end time's publication will come in handy. It will help a person to understand Revelation. This is the most perplexing book in the entire Bible. It is filled with metaphorical language. A nice publication will break down the complexities into easy to understand language.

The Prophet Daniel detailed what will happen in the last days in a series of chapters and verses. He prophesied the rise of the major global empires. Already, they have been the Babylonian, Persian, Greece and Roman empires. The last empire to rule the world will be a reincarnation of the Roman Empire. This will be a time of suffering and distress.

The biggest prophesy awaiting realization relates to the terrible and great day that is to come. To some, it will be a day of happiness and bliss because it will be when they will enter Paradise. To others, it will be a day or regret and reckoning where all of a person's deeds come to haunt him. Being prepared is important.

End Times book talks about Noah and how the great flood is very similar to the final hour. Both find people unprepared. In both scenarios, people are forewarned but many fail to believe. Many thought the flood was a big myth until it occurred and they were swept away by it. Some people even said that Noah was crazy.

The Rapture takes center stage of last day's book. This is a day when some people are taken to heaven from earth. These people will not see death because of their righteousness. After the rapture, the earth starts going south because of the introduction of the system of the beast where people have to pay allegiance to the dreadful number.

Bible prophesies are always fulfilled because of their divine nature. Heaven and earth will pass away, but the Holy Word will not pass without being fulfilled. What has been written in the Bible will become a reality one day. The issue of end times may look like a far-fetched reality until it happens. The final hour is unknown to man and angels. It will happen when most people do not except because of being engrossed in the cares of the world.

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