Regulations For Basketball Across The Country

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By Lisa Robinson

If you are aspiring to form a basketball team, you should have it in mind that you will need to have at least nine good players. This was the idea of the first man who brought it to existence. Dr James Naismith invented basketball in 1891, after which the guidelines for basketball across the country became published in January 1892. Although some of them look different today, they are all a modification of the old rules.

The points made by a successful throw of the ball into the basket depends on the spot the shot was taken. A free throw that enters the net scores just one point. The free throw is normally given as a penalty to a foul. A side can win three points if a successful shot is taken from outside the three point line. The score is two points for a good throw that is within the three point line.

The winner is decided after the game by calculating all the points. According to the way the points are scored, it is difficult for one to decide the fate of any team until after the final whistle. This is because points can be accumulated within minutes if the other team tries to be defensive around the net. The more a team scores from outside the three point line, the greater their chances of carrying the day.

Players are also prohibited from kicking the ball. The only means by which the ball must be moved is with the hands. Even at this, players should learn when both hands must be used and instances when only one hand is required to move the ball.

It is unacceptable to run with the ball without bouncing it or dribbling a player. This is different in football where a fast player is considered skillful because he can run with the ball. Basketball has a set of rules that look quite different from other sports.

The officials look out for situations where players are said to carry the ball. Carrying the ball is the phenomenon whereby a team mate touches the bottom of the ball while trying to maneuver his opponents. The right position to touch the ball while dribbling is the top of it and failure to adhere to this grants the other side the right to handle the ball.

Players are not allowed to pass the ball behind them once they have crossed their own half. This is why you will often see his team mates moving towards the other half once he has crossed the half. If the team tries to shoot and it is deflected by the defending side into the other half, then nothing stops the side where the ball lands from picking it.

The basketball game is a fast one because the players are also conscious of the time rules. The area where the game is played is called a court. The highest authority in the game is known as FIBA.

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