Martial Arts Warrenton Va That Can Be Used For Self Defense

Posted by Unknown on 1:21 AM with No comments
By Olivia Cross

Martial arts were originally created for the purpose of war and defeating an assailant in battle. Nowadays, it is more for a spectator sport instead of a means to protect oneself. Even now martial arts warrenton va has become more of a spectator sport, there are still a lot of them that are used for street fighting and protection. Here is a list of some of the best ones for this purpose.

In a street fight that is out in the open or probably in a bar brawl, the fighting art that would most likely win would be Muay Thai. Muay Thai is known for its very strong kicks and punches as well as knees and elbow strikes that can actually kill. It is actually possible for one to knock out an opponent with just one of these very strong hits.

Now Muay Thai is often used in places that have a big space like in the open streets but it may not be very useful for fights in small alleys. For this kind of situation, one can be able to defend himself if he would use a Chinese art that is known as Wing Chun Kung Fu. This style would really emphasize a lot of short range punch and kicks which would be perfect for a situation wherein one is jammed in a very tight area where he cannot be able to move too much.

Now another great art for those who need to learn how to fight in close range would be none other than the Japanese art known as Judo. Now Judo is also great for the smaller people because it is an art that would let a practitioner use the weight of the opponent to throw him. Throwing a person to the cold hard ground of the street will definitely cause great damage.

Aside from that, there is also the famous art known as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu that was made from the fighting Gracie family. Now this is a great art for self defense because it allows one to be able to defend himself from chokes and locks. At the same time, he can also apply his own lock and make his opponent unconscious are even break the joints.

Now another very deadly art is Kali or Arnis which is an art that comes from the Philippines. Now this is a very deadly art because it teaches students to not only make use of empty hand combat but more so on how to use weapons. Practitioners would also learn how to disarm an opponent and would also learn how to break the arm of that opponent.

Last on the list would be the marine martial art known as Krav Maga. This fighting style comes from the land of Israel and is mostly used by soldiers. Nowadays, many people are learning it in order to be able to protect themselves.

So for those who are looking for a style to enroll in, here is a list that may help. Now in Warrenton Va, there are a lot of martial art schools that one can join. With the world becoming more dangerous, people need to know how to protect themselves.

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