Important Things To Know Before Staging An Anime Review Show

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By Earlene McGee

Anime movies are some of the most creative productions the word over. Looking at them with the expectation one would have of normal cartoon movies will leave the audience relatively shocked. They are almost synonymous with Japan since most of them are produced from that country. In order to present the best anime review show, one needs to understand the cultural context, history, and what makes them so entertaining.

Animated movies bring something different to the table and that is why they have such a huge following. They are not like your mainstream animation and live action movie. They have teenage main characters, yet the themes they deal with are complex and include adult issues. The teenagers in animated movies save the world, and the authenticity makes fans feel like the movies are real despite the fact that they are cartoon characters.

The stories are more complex and have adult themes. This gives fans the feeling that the movies are real despite the fact that they are animations. The inclination towards the perfect script with a happy ending is never present in Hollywood movies. In the US, the trend is that after the plot twists and turns, at the end of the movie, the characters are left living happily ever after.

Real life does not always happen as planned, and this makes it easier for people to identify with Japanese movies because of the feeling that they are more realistic. Animes are not just restricted to local fans and a few international fanatics. Not many people realized it, but while everyone was not looking, Japanese popular culture grew to become one of the biggest alternatives to popular American movie culture.

But why do the Japanese favor anime over the traditional animation or even the normal live action movies. The biggest motivator is in the money. Historically, the Japan movie industry was only able to compete on an equal footing with Hollywood in the sixties. Today, it is difficult for them to compete, at least on an equal footing.

Competition with Hollywood is virtually difficult because of the money available in that market. In fact, to find the last time Japan and Hollywood competed on an equal footing, one would have to go back all the way to the sixties and seventies. Animes, on the other hand, offer creative heads, a cheap and steady outlet. Manga is central to fame and spread of anime culture, both in Japan and internationally.

Since the Manga are the inspiration for many animated movie productions, it is only right that animes were the next step. Anime directors enjoy the fact that in movie production, there is a lot of freedom. There is no pressure of the representation and images of race and gender. One does not have to conform to the normal imagery of, say, blacks, Caucasians, or Asians. In the amazing world of animes, there is freedom to go any direction.

There are no Caucasians, Hispanics, blacks or Asians, only characters as the designer and director desire. This freedom shifts the focus of audiences from the character and their representations, towards the issues and problems they tackle. In fact, there is an increase in the use of female protagonists in many recent Japanese animated movies. People enjoy unique and different movies.

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