Why Progesterone Cream For Men Is Recommended

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By Annabelle Holman

It's not only women who suffer from hormone imbalance or deficiency. Men also can be short on these important regulators of important bodily functions. While there are many supplemental products designed for women, there are fewer for men. However, progesterone cream for men is one supplement which is backed by a lot of research showing that the need is real and hormone replacement effective.

This steroid hormone is produced in large amounts by the ovaries in a female, but it's also secreted by other organs and tissues. A major contributor is the adrenal glands. Nervous tissue and fat tissue also produces progesterone. The hormone is involved in many metabolic processes throughout the body, especially in producing sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone. Other important substances are the corticosteroids, the body's answer for control of infection, inflammation, and pain.

As we get older, our natural production of hormones of many types declines. Furthermore, the stress of modern life and the toxins rampant in our environment can suppress hormonal production. A poor diet is another reason why many people suffer from a lack of these vital substances that control bodily functions.

Men get most of their progesterone from the adrenal glands. These tiny glands regulate all sorts of processes, including energy production, mental alertness, memory, and reaction to crisis situations. They also influence the immune system.

When the diet is not sufficient in all vital nutrients (which is true for almost everyone) and the stress is unrelenting, these master glands become overwhelmed. This 'adrenal exhaustion' is a serious condition which affects quality of life and can even lead to hospitalization. Many of us suffer from a less severe case of this hormonal imbalance. Symptoms include failure to sleep deeply or through the night, lack of energy and mental endurance, hair loss, irritability, and lowered immunity to acute and chronic disorders.

Low energy goes along with lack of sex drive. It's easy to see why males may want to investigate their levels of progesterone. No one wants to lose their hair, feel tired all the time, be fuzzy-minded, and, in addition, gain weight easily - especially in the torso and thigh areas. Loss of muscle tone and lack of endurance are other symptoms.

Blood tests can pinpoint low hormone levels, but many people simply assess their own health and decide to try a bio-identical cream, lotion, or pill. Plants have phytoestrogens (estrogen-like substances) and progesterone-like elements that can give the body what it needs to feel better, fend off disease, and generally slow down the aging process. One plant that holds great promise for men is Saw Palmetto.

Creams and lotions are made to deliver bio-identical hormones, which can also be found in tablet sand capsules. Some topical products have a pump which delivers a daily dose; this makes it easy to get the proper amount. 10 milligrams a day is a usual dose. It's important to buy from a reputable company with quality control and clinical research to back up any claims.

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