Important Considerations For Tubal Reversal Surgery

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By Donald Wheeler

Tubal reversal or tubal reanastomosis is the surgical procedure performed to untie, reopen or reconnect the fallopian tubes of a woman who has undergone tubal ligation or female sterilization surgery. Even though tubal ligation is meant to be a permanent birth control option, you may regret your decision and wish to bear children for various reasons including remarrying. In this case, you can undergo the ligation reversal surgery.

After undergoing female sterilization reversal surgery, your chances of getting pregnant will be high. A few factors like your age, the kind of sterilization surgery you have, how long your fallopian tubes are and how healthy your reproductive system is are considered to determine if you should undergo the procedure. Your doctor may also consider if you have previously undergone surgery for gynecological conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and fibroids.

You can be a good candidate for ligation reversal if only a small part of your fallopian tubes were removed, if your tubes were closed using clips or rings, if you are under forty and if you underwent the sterilization surgery immediately after childbirth. Before undergoing this procedure, your doctor will recommend that you and your partner undergo complete physical exams. This is done to help determine if you can conceive after undergoing the procedure.

Physical examinations usually include blood tests and imaging to check the functioning of ovaries. A test known as hysterosalpinogram will also be conducted to check the length of your fallopian tubes and how they are functioning. This test is carried out using X rays and a dye or saline and air along with a ultrasound. The surgeon will request for a semen analysis test from your partner to check semen quality.

The female sterilization reversal procedure can take place at a hospital or outpatient clinic. After patients are placed under general anesthesia, the surgeon then inserts a slender endoscope through an incision in their abdomens. He or she examines the fallopian tubes to determine if this procedure can be completed successfully. If it can be successfully completed, the surgeon makes a cut near the pubic hair line.

The microscopic instruments that are attached to the laparoscope make it possible for the surgeon to remove the rings or clips that may have been used to block your fallopian tubes. This professional will then reconnect the ends of your fallopian tubes to your womb using small stitches. Ligation reversal surgery is usually completed within a period of 1 to 3 hours.

Recovery time usually depends on the surgical method that a surgeon used to reverse the female sterilization procedure. You may stay in hospital for 1 to 3 days. However, if the procedure was done using microsurgical techniques, you can go home on the same day, typically within 2 to 4 hours after the procedure is completed. You can resume your normal activities within a period of about 2 weeks.

The risks of undergoing this procedure are rare. Examples include infection, reaction to anesthesia, bleeding and damage to organs that are close by. Your risk of having an ectopic pregnancy may also increase. To get the best results with tubal reversal, it is advisable to use the services of an experienced surgeon.

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