Tips For Garage Organization Chesterfield MO Professionals Suggest Homeowners Try

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By Virginia Anderson

A lot of people's garages are like attics. They're repositories for everything you don't need right away or haven't gotten around to throwing away. At some point using garages as shelters for the family vehicles ceases to be an option. When it gets really bad, some homeowners decide to get organized and turn the space into something functional. Knowing where to start can be the sticking point. Experts have some tips for garage organization Chesterfield Mo homeowners will appreciate.

The easiest thing to do is empty the space completely and start all over again. It may take a day or two to haul everything into the yard and divide it in piles. You should have three piles, one for trash, one for donations, and one for everything you're going to keep.

You have to be completely unsentimental about toys that are outgrown and projects you'll never get around to. It's a bad idea to put the donated items back for safe keeping. You should box them up and take them straight to the secondhand store. Trash should be hauled away immediately.

Some things should not be in garages. One of them is a propane tank that only needs a spark to catch fire. It should be outside. Paper products are better off in the kitchen pantry. They will be full of bugs otherwise. Raccoons and possums will go after bags of pet food it they have a chance. Old freezers and refrigerators waste electricity and are death traps for small children who think they would make great hiding places.

Safety should be your number one concern. If you store extra gas for your lawnmower in the garage, you must also have an ABC rated fire extinguisher handy. The ABC rating means it is effective for oil, wood, and electric fires. A carbon monoxide detector is a good idea. It will go off if, for any reason, a vehicle is left running. Little kids and pets, trying to beat the door as it goes down, can be badly hurt without an auto-stop.

If you're really serious about getting organized, it's a good idea to sketch out a simple floor plan instead of just hauling everything back into the garage. You will want like items, such as gardening tools and plant food, close together. Big items like your lawnmower, should go in corners where the cars can't hit them. The more you can put on shelves and in cabinets the better.

You will need a label maker and storage supplies. You can put Christmas lights and ornaments in clear plastic bins. If you have gardening and lawn chemicals, they should be locked up in a storage cabinet to keep them safely out of the hands of little kids.

Open shelving is usually more efficient than cabinets. It is cheaper and easier to put up as well. Once you've got everything in its proper place, the whole family should promise to work together to keep the space neat and clean.

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