For Fence Cleaning OK Is Worth Visiting

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By Cynthia Walker

Since fences are installed outside, they are susceptible to collection of dust, mold, mildew, algae, mud, and dirt on their surfaces. Graffiti may also be applied on them in urban areas. This makes these structures dirty, requiring occasional cleaning. Cleaning fences at a six-month interval is recommendable. When in search of Fence Cleaning OK should be given priority.

The significance of cleaning a fence is that it helps keep the fence durable. When using a wooden fence, mildew and mold are left to overgrow it leads to cracks forming on the fence. They make a fence become less visually appealing by making the fence lose its color. This makes the structure lose its beauty.

The entire process is very involving and can be very long if the structure is tall and covers a long distance. If one is working alone, they may need two days to complete the job. That would mean that one works on one half of the structure for one day and completes the remaining half the following day. If there are two or more people doing the job, it is possible to complete it in one day.

Before one thinks of doing this job, they need to gather all the supplies and tools that the job requires first. Some of the supplies and tools needed include a pressure washer, detergent, plastic bag/tent fabric, bucket, wire brush, and water. This job can also be dangerous, which means that one needs to protect their bodies appropriately using suitable clothing and other safety gear. Eyeglasses should be worn when using a pressure washer while utility boots, gloves, and an apron should be worn at all times.

The second step is to ensure any vegetation around the fence is covered to avoid destroying it during cleaning. When covering the vegetation, one should use a water resistant material and it should also not be harmful to the plants. Material used may be a polythene bag or a tent fabric of enough size.

The job should be started by removing heavy debris using a wire brush. Such debris cannot be removed using a pressure washer without having to set the pressure dangerously high. High pressure may damage fences made of certain materials such as wood, PVC, and composite materials. Care should be taken when using a wire brush to ensure that damage is not caused to the fencing material.

After all heavy debris has been removed, it should be washed down using water from a garden hose. Garden hose pressure is low, but the hose supplies plenty of water to remove remnants of debris. However, garden hoses cannot remove stains.

The next step is to clean using a pressure washer. Detergents to be used need to be mixed appropriately. Pressure washers are effective for removing stains especially if the cleaning water is mixed with a detergent. Stains left by the pressure washer can easily be scrubbed off. One can then use a pressure washer to clean the whole structure.

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