The Benefits Of Hiring Landscape Companies In Rhode Island

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By Stephanie Peterson

As opposed to most scenery contractors I prefer to discuss the latest model of skid steer rather than discuss charging design fees. As design/build specialists we MUST charge for our design work. I'll explain why in a moment. But first, let's talk about two distinct types of landscape companies in Rhode Island. Design Driven" companies and "Sales Driven" companies.

My definition of "Design Driven" companies and scenery designers is those who place the design before all else. This is the company who struggles to exceed the clients' expectations by providing appropriate solutions to the stated concerns and problems. By "appropriate solutions", I'm referring to solutions that are best for the CLIENT, not the company.

Bark and Rocks. By using bark and rocks, a landscaping company can highlight your flower beds and pathways. Bark and rocks come in a variety of different styles so you will have plenty of colors and sizes to choose from. By using a lava rock, you can make your flower beds look very upscale. If you have another area of your home that you often use to park cars are walk through, why not highlight the path with some nice looking rocks. Bark and rocks also help eliminate the growth of weeds. It's best to have the landscaping company lay down a good coating of weed killer, then put some solid plastic or fabric down, with the rocks on top of that. With a good plastic of fabric sheet over the weed killer, you will have very little chance of ever developing weeds.

What if any awards or commendations have the company won? If they have won a few it may mean that they are a bit more expensive but it also says they will be worth the price. The company should also have in house construction support teams. These are professionals that can handle the paving, carpentry, irrigation and drainage system installation. You may also want them to have knowledge of pools and fountain installation.

I consider there to be 9 reasons why we must charge for our scenery design work, but in this article I will only cover one concept which I refer to as "The Upward Spiral". I coined this term to describe the effect on a company, or scenery designer, when a commitment is made to becoming design-driven. This commitment, plus the ensuing convergence of 4 factors, all amplifying each other, creates a spiral upward. The 4 factors are: Charging a design fee (congruent with your present skill level), Increasing confidence, Growth in landscape design skills and higher level of clientele

Aquatic physical creations also play a big role in ensuring the surrounding looks appealing to the eye as well provide a wealth of color. More of such features could be put in place. Pathways, terraces, drive-through, stone and wood works are great ways to enhance aestheticism the home or the office.

This "upward spiral" starts with a commitment. You must be committed to charging for your work. If a prospect doesn't want to compensate you, then you walk away. You must be committed to growing your design skills by furthering your education, visiting great works by others and by stretching your creativity beyond the industry norm.

Back to confidence for a minute--one common thread among all the successful landscape designers I have met is confidence. Trust me, when you start getting paid for your time and expertise, your confidence will soar! Your design work will reflect this added confidence leading to a portfolio that surpasses 90% of your competition. At this point, you will attract the most valued clientele-those that expect and want to pay for your design expertise.

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