Discover Ways Back Spasm Sufferers Find Pain Relief With Laguna Hills Chiropractor

Posted by Unknown on 12:16 AM with No comments
By Katy Parfait

Muscles spasms can take you by surprise and are very painful. It may be that one or more of the spinal vertebrae are misaligned. Such an abnormality can strain the muscles that are attached too those bones. Returning the vertebrae to correct alignment will alleviate the pain. Frequency of the spasms will decrease. A Laguna Hills Chiropractor can provide advice on how to prevent future spasms.

However, the spasm in your back that is hurting now must first be dealt with. You might have lifted something heavy that caused a strain or tear in your muscles. If the bones your muscles are attached to are out of place, it causes a strain. You may have stretched too far or too fast and caused a spasm.

Lack of movement does not cause an immediate spasm. However, if you sit at your computer all day without stopping to get up and stretch, you may suffer back spasms later on. You may even have your sleep disturbed by the sharp pain of one during the night.

Your back may begin to spasm long after the workday is over. The pressure of the day will catch up with you at that time. The tension builds up because you did not stretch your muscles.

A day of strenuous activity, in a weekend football game for example, overuse can result in spasms. This is especially true of someone who is sedentary all week. The increase in physical activity after long days of sitting can result in stress that leads to back pain from spasms.

An appointment with your chiropractor can lead to relief from the pain you are suffering. Your examination will include taking a case history, looking at and palpating the spine and an x-ray. An in-depth discussion will explore all possible causes.

If you are a good candidate for chiropractic care, it may begin with a series of spinal adjustments. Massage may be added. Mild exercises may be given for home use. Your recovery depends on your response to the care you receive.

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