Psychics Are Starting To Leave The Business

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By Lonnie Bong

A lot of spiritual advisers are leaving the business of giving readings. The main reason is because they feel like it's time to move on. A lot of spiritual advisers with 10 years or more in the industry are feeling like they can no longer give prophecies. Many clients today have become demanding, angry at their own personal love lives and financially broke. Psychics are often bombarded by depressed people.

Over time, many of the questions that people ask you will become repetitive. You may often feel like you are sick and tired of hearing about people's problems. It is true that 99% of the people coming to you consider you to be their last resort. People often go to psychics when they feel like all else has failed.

Life can be challenging for psychics worldwide. People are always trying to depend on you for one reason for another. If you are like me, you probably want to have something more positive working for you. Many psychics are tired of the low pay that they are earning on psychic networks. It can be spiritually and emotionally draining for the most part.

A person may walk away from their calling if they feel like they are tired of hearing from the same people. Often, psychic networks attract the same people to you all of the time. They often only want to know about who loves them and when they are going to make more money. Instead of using your spiritual gifts for getting closer to God and who will become the next president, people only want to talk to you about what is on their mind.

If you are trying to get out of the business, it is time to do so. You will regret not changing professions. In the 1990's, people did not bombard psychics so much with problems. They were more interested in getting a reading about the future from you. Today, many clients think that phone psychics are counselors and people to complain to.

A lot of spiritual advisers are going back to old school free readings. They are finding out that their gift is able to grow in leaps and bounds when they help someone for free. Often, you get a new person calling you that wants information. It is not the same old person calling you about the same thing every single day.

Prophetic ministers today are often looked upon as dumping grounds. People now a days feel that they are paying you to listen to their bologna. However, psychics are not meant to be counselors. They are meant to tell you what they see and that is all. Most clients don't understand that.

If you are okay with leaving the industry, do so with a clear conscience. There is nothing wrong with leaving the industry for many different reasons. People will eventually come to see you as being a strong and level headed individual as well. Move forward and watch your energy grow over time.

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