What Are The Ideal Female's Jobs?

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By George Dodson

We have evolved since the fifties and earlier. The days that women are told to get married and keep the home clean are long gone. It is required these days that women should also go out there and find a job if they are single or married. Most couples today share the housework as well as bring in the bacon.

That's not to say that there are many women who choose to stay home and be there for the children, and except the role of housekeeper. It is a known fact that women can match men at most careers. So you can often find women in almost any sector of the economy. What career should you choose if you want to maximize your earning potential?

Pharmacists are most probably the highest paid women. Women working in this occupation earn a median salary of about $7,600 per month. Surveys show that women make up half of this work force.

This is largely reflected in the large number of women in college now a days. Many high paying jobs today require a college degree.

You might be made to think that women doctors follow pharmacists as the second high paying jobs. This is because doctor's salaries vary with the field of medicine they practice. It seems that women prefer lower paying specialties as physicians. These include things like general practice in children's medicine.

Following pharmacists, the legal profession is the second highest paying job for women. In this profession, women are often on equal footing with men. There is no difference between the work for either sex in this category.

Information system managers who happens to be next in terms of salaries. This is no surprise as the high demand in this field invites both men and women for these posts.

Here are some more fields to consider if you want a high paying job.

Women make up the majority of psychologist and physical therapists, plus occupational therapists and medical and health service managers. They average more than sixty thousand per annum.

Women teachers also get to take home good pay. In 2012, they had a median annual pay range of $59,000 per year for foreign language and literature teachers. Law teachers got to take home about $94,000 a year.

Company heads who are women rank high with the best salaries with the average taking home over $150,000 each year.

Interestingly, women place more of the significance on a jobs contribution to society than do men. For this reason, they gravitate toward being clergy members. They have to be good at interpersonal skills and verbal extra wants. They are better than men when it comes to this and for this reason, they seem to be more successful at it.

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