Support The Fight With Breast Cancer Baseball Caps

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By Jocelyn Davidson

With all the attention placed on the variety of health issues in this country, it can be overwhelming. With something so big, where do we even begin with finding a cure? Taking time to offer your help may be the foundation that leads to the answers that are needed. Breast cancer baseball caps are a great way to show support as well as provide awareness to a disease that has threatened and taken so many lives.

Finding where one stands in the middle of this starts with knowing your own family history. Doing a bit of research to find out if any family members have had this disease will better prepare you for protecting yourself and seeking preventative health care before there is any problem.

Keeping healthy and following the protocol of medical professionals is the first step in fighting any kind of disease. Should changes occur, it can be detected much quicker and early intervention can then take place. This is often the difference between living through a treatable illness and passing away from it.

Fighting for a cure is very important, but knowing and understanding what it is about is also crucial. Our society needs to be educated and understand what to look for when dealing with such a difficult disease. Although finding a cure is the goal, knowing what to look for and understanding the symptoms is just as important for early detection and ultimately, saving lives.

For so long society has actually viewed this as a disease of only women. Many are surprised to know that men have also suffered with this illness and that it does not only affect females. Often men are diagnosed in later stages because so many lack education and are not aware of the risks that men also face.

Raising awareness has provided education, funding and support for those who are dealing with this health issue. Many patients have found strength and the determination to fight because of those who bring attention to this disease. And because so many people care, it provides that emotional and spiritual support that often makes the difference between fighting and giving up.

There are so many people who either have this illness, fought it or has someone they love who has it. That is why it is so important for us to bond together, to support each other and to be the sounding board for those who can not do it for themselves. Weather they are your sister, brother, mother or friend, it is really a fight that belongs to all of us and one we should all be involved in.

There are many ways to support this cause. Purchasing hats and clothing are just one way of raising awareness as well as money in order to find a cure. No matter what activity one chooses, all that matters is that we are involved in the fight for a better tomorrow. Committing ourselves to helping and supporting others who are affected by this disease helps us understand ourselves, our friends and what is really important in this life.

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