Webinar: Speed Up Your Dev/Test Proccess | New Blog Posts | New & Updated Templates

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January 2014 Newsletter 

Learn how using dev/test environments in the cloud speeds up your development and testing process:
Presenter: Chris Riley, Technology Evangelist for CloudShare
Date: Thursday, January 16, 2014
Time: 11am pacific / 2pm eastern US time
Just because business applications have more complex requirements than web and mobile apps, doesn’t mean they have to move along slowly!  How do you keep innovation and progress moving along at a rapid clip?  What can you do when your team is ready to code, but they have to wait for IT to come through?  What if you didn’t have to spend days or weeks replicating environments to share with team members?

Businesses Looking to Improve DevOps Teamwork Should Implement Elastic Resources
By Ira Michael Blonder
One unfortunate result of the shift in business computing from PCs to small, smart, mobile devices (SSMDs) is an unproductive relationship between the IT department and Line of Business (LoB) units.  Usually it’s the LoBs who develop a burning need for new applications for SSMDs.  Operations rarely has the time to satisfy these needs…

Adventure in DevOps & Coding: Learning PHP & Setting Up Continuous Deployment in CloudShare

By Chris Riley
Face it, if you are a born and raised .NET Client/Server developer like me, you are now old school.  Now it’s 2014 and it’s time to refine my skills.  This post is on how I quickly learned basic PHP, jQuery, and web dev.  And finally a little bit on the concepts of DevOps and how with CloudShare, even if the infrastructure gets more complex, your level of effort stays the same.

New & Updated CloudShare Templates
New Templates: 
  • Ubuntu 13.10 Server 64 bit
  • Docker 0.7 over Ubuntu 12.04
  • Visual Studio 2013 
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
  • Exchange Server 2010 SP3
Updated Templates
  • Exchange Server 2010 SP1
  • SharePoint 2010 Enterprise - No Configuration
  • SharePoint 2010 SP1 (Information Worker)
  • SharePoint 2010 Enterprise SP1 with Duet
  • SharePoint 2010 SP1 Enterprise with FAST Search and SQL Server 2012

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