After You Have Typed Out Weimaraner Puppies For Sale Near Me

Posted by Unknown on 1:11 AM with No comments
By Jerry Reynolds

People everywhere seem to have taken on a pet as a companion, and you feel this is a path that you should take on as well. In fact your friends have suggested you get a Weimaraner as a pet and companion. Due to this, you have even taken to search online the phrase "Weimaraner puppies for sale near me" . Surprisingly enough you did get a few hits and you feel you should buy one. But before you do, please read on in this article first.

Prior to planning for and buying a pet, ensure hat you are doing it for the right reasons and you are not doing it on a whim or out of boredom. This is because it takes a lot of commitment to take care of a pet, and a lot of responsibility as well, for you are after all looking after a living thing. If you feel that you are not totally prepared for such a commitment, then do not take the task of getting a pet on.

This particular breed that you are interested in is an 18th century hunting hound that originate in Germany. It is named after the town of Weimar, where it was known that the Duke in the area at the time was very fond of hunting. It is basically a gun dog, which is used to flush out game like quail and ducks so that they can be shot at.

Since it is a hunting dog and classified as such in many registers, do expect behavior related to this breed as well whether you plan use it for hunting or not It will need a bit of space to freely move in, so apartment and small space living is out of the question. Do be prepared for it to chase smaller animals it sees from time to time.

Health wise it will have to contend with two general concerns, which affect its stomach and also its skin. Due to its deep chest physique it will be prone to bloat or gastric torsion where the stomach twists and constrict itself. Skin allergies and rashes are also common for this breed. In any case a regular visit to the veterinarian and check ups should alleviate these conditions.

It is a breed that will for deep bonds with owner or owners, as always aims to please due to its people oriented nature. Due to this they do not want to leave their owners alone and want to be by their side all of the time. This in turn will unfortunately set the stage for perennial separation anxiety issues, which has to be addressed with early training.

Before you can allow this breed go around with other animals and also children, make sure that it has been properly trained and socialized first. This socialization is very much needed so that it's territorial instincts can be somewhat reigned in. Early training is also much more advantageous since it will male the most use of its inherent intelligence.

This dog comes in two versions, one having long hair, and one that is short haired. The short haired version has very low maintenance needs and needs only regular brushing for keeping the fur glossy and healthy. Long haired ones will need daily brushing to keep it from tangling and also matting.

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