Facts About Florida Keys Lawn Service Companies

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By George Thomas

Lawns require regular maintenance and care especially during the growing season since they tend to grow quickly. The maintenance varies depending on the season, methods and client requirement. Season include the climate of a particular place. It is a major contributing factor affecting the growth and distribution of lawns in this earth. Different lawn types are tolerant to different types of seasons across the world. Here is some information on Florida Keys lawn service.

Artificially, chemicals and fertilizers are normally used to maintain and take care of lawns. The use of fertilizers in maintaining lawns accelerate growth while eliminating pests at the same time. As much as the use of chemicals is of much benefit it is also harmful in other ways. When handling chemicals, proper attire such as gloves and face masks should be put on. Inhaled harmful chemicals may lead to respiratory problems. Chemicals are also harmful in that they kill the soil microorganisms.

Soil microorganisms are responsible for aerating the soil and which contributes to its fertility. During rainy seasons chemicals should not be applied continuously because they are usually washed off into water bodies. Marine life is killed when those chemicals find their way into water bodies. Organic grass management is one of the techniques used in maintaining lawns. This technique involves pure use of natural methods. Fertilizers, pesticides and all artificial methods are avoided all together.

The principle of organic horticulture and sustainable gardening are utilized in taking proper care of a lawn. Varied techniques are usually applied in this method. Very beneficial insects and predators are used. The insects are very special as they inhibit the infestation of lawns by other pests like the ants. Ants build nests in lawns which destroys their beauty.

Physical maintenance is another common way of maintaining grass by organic method. Effective mowing and raking is included. Fungal infections are prevented from spreading. Another example of an environmentally friendly way of caring lawns is irrigation. An individual has to irrigate only when there are signs for drought. The rains can irrigate especially during the rainy season.

In order to prevent surface run off, low volume sprinklers should be used when irrigating. Mulching is also necessary where applicable. The main purpose of applying mulches is to prevent water loss from the soil. Sometimes they can also be a source of manure upon decomposition, hence reducing the need for fertilizers. Nutrients from mulches make the grasses grow healthily and uniform.

Apart from mulching, the use of compost is very common where organic care of grass is involved. It involves the use of organic fertilizers. This means that the fertilizers used are from decomposed organic wastes. Fertilizers made this way are used instead of artificial fertilizers. They are recommended for the reason that they encourage deep root growth.

In the society, organic maintenance has contributed a lot of maintenance. Biodiversity is also included. Biodiversity is where grass is planted using two or more species. The stress tolerance and functioning of the ecosystem is increased. Global warming has been reduced. Artificial fertilizers resulted to global warming.

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