How To Recognize A Spiritual Salvation Path

Posted by Unknown on 12:26 AM with No comments
By Donald Wood

With current events, there is often a lot of talk about the end of days, a Christian based belief. As such, many people are becoming more involved in the religious aspects of life. Although, there are still many who claim to be spiritual though not religious. Of course, the most devout of Christians believe in a specific Spiritual Salvation Path.

Most devout Christians have a distinct belief system in Father, Son and Holy Ghost. In addition, most also subscribe to the belief that the devil, or Satan can tempt one to sin against God. Sin, is often defined based on a number of different ideologies within different sects of the Christian faith.

Regardless of whether one is religious or otherwise, when it is time for the world to come to an end, that will happen. As many have predicted the end of the world over the past several years, and it has yet to come to pass, there are also more skeptics now than ever before. As to whether we are living in the end of days based on religious beliefs, no one can know for sure until judgement day occurs, if that is in fact the case.

Only those who have a belief in Jesus Christ, and these stories of the birth, death and resurrection will join in eternal life. All others, or so it is believed will perish in a lake of fire. Of course, there are many different beliefs as to the existence of heaven and hell. For many, these are simply various aspects of life on earth.

Individuals whom have experienced bigotry, hatred and homophobia in the name of religion often dispute these belief systems. Even some in the Christian faith have now seen how these ideologies have caused churches which are part of the faith to suffer. As such, many have changed ways and are more accepting of those living alternative lifestyles.

One reason so many people have doubts with regards to the Christian faith is the way the Bible has been used to spread bigotry, homophobia and hatred across the land. For, most who have a personal relationship with a higher power believe that if God does exist, the deity is that of a loving God not a vengeful one.

For, the most devout Christians still believe to live such a lifestyle remains a sin against God. As such, to participate in a way that would promote such behavior is also a sin. As such, even the most welcoming of congregations are not always as welcoming as the church would have one think.

As such, LGBTQ individuals may want to seek out a truly welcoming congregation by asking questions before attending a service. For, if one knows in advance there is still any aspect of discrimination, it is often best to go elsewhere. Then and only then, will any church start to realize that partial acceptance is not acceptance and that the policies are still discriminatory, bigoted and homophobic in nature.

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