The Very Great Hypnosis In Western MA

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By Patrick Lewis

People everywhere are always wondering how to control another human being since this is a great thing to do. Fortunately hypnosis in western MA is quite common for most human beings. Mr. Mike Johnson thought that no other person could ever truly control his emotions no matter how hard they tried. Unfortunately this was a real macho male who had a very huge ego which could never be shattered.

He still believed that women should stay at home and out of the work world. His old fashioned thinking ruined all of the relationships that he had with his female family members. One night his wife decided to take him to a theater production and this did not go very well.

His television set was always on the channel which offers old movies all night long. This was really a nuisance to his wife and she wanted to go view the new production which was happening at the theater. All of their neighbors were attending this event and therefore Mike had to go. The theater had many cars within the parking lot and this was really good for business.

Mike had no love for any of these theater people who looked like something the cat would never drag into the house. He finally accepted the idea of being within this place and took a seat next to his spouse. The entire room was very silent before any real action started. Mrs Johnson knew that the performer would teach Mike a valuable lesson.

Within five minutes a very tall man came upon the stage to address the audience. His named was Carlo and he told everyone that he was the best magician in this entire world. The audience was amazed and wanted to see him in action. Carlo was simply amazing and he could do things which were quite spectacular.

He performed a few simple tricks which were not that spectacular since they involved cards and paper hats. At the end of this show opener Carlo held out his hands and asked for someone in the audience to come forward. Mike looked at his wife and thought about going towards this stage. He had nothing to lose since he was a man with great courage.

His wife was not surprised at all when Mike walked upon the stage as if he owned the entire theater. Mike sat himself down in the chair which was vacant upon this stage and he looked at everyone and smiled. Carlo was very upset about the man's character and he truly wanted to make him pay for having a bad attitude. The magician put Mike to sleep and then made him act like a common farm animal.

This ordeal went on for quite some time before Carlo decided to put an end to this hilarious performance. When it was over Mike could not remember anything at all and this was very strange. Usually he was the type of man who would never forget such a strange performance and this made him very angry. During their ride home from the theater his wife did not mention any of the silliness which happened.

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