How A Sedalia Car Wreck Lawyer Helps Families After Accidents

Posted by Unknown on 1:26 AM with No comments
By Nelson Cozad

Has someone you loved just been harmed in an accident. If you aren't at fault for this event, then you should secure the services of a trusted Sedalia car wreck attorney. In theory, everything should be covered by the responsible party's insurance plan.

In practice, there are various complications in Missouri law that can make it hard for you or your loved ones to get compensation for an injury or death. The biggest issue is that Missouri uses pure comparative fault - which means that each party can often claim a percentage of the damages from the other. In practice, this generally means any settlement is reduced by the amount the court rules you, not the other party, was at fault. Suits also need to be filed within 3 years if there was a fatality, 5 for a non-fatal injury.

If you intend to bring a wrongful death suit as the result of a family death, there are a number of specific priorities concerning which parties are able to file. Spouses, children, parents and grandchildren of the victim are given priority. If the deceased does not have any of these, a personal representative or siblings are able to file.

Ultimately, you need to be closely related to the victim. It will be possible to collect damages for medical and funeral expenses, loss of income and for pain and suffering. The maximum for non-economic damages is $350k, however, this may be higher after having been adjusted for inflation.

Once an accident event has occurred, your first thought won't be about how to get compensation particularly if this was a fatal or permanently disabling event. Finding the right lawyer in a timely fashion, however, is vital, given that you will need time to build your case and ample opportunity to file your claim as soon as your recognize that the insurance company of the other party is unwilling to play fairly.

So, you should find a qualified, experienced car wreck attorney right away. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisement.

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