Coping With The Atlanta Allergy

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By Adam G. Trettin

Everyone knows at least one person who is severely allergic to something, whether it is something in the environment, or even food. Sometimes, the effects of exposure to the allergen can be so bad, that you need immediate medical attention. There are a few things you can do, which will help you manage your Atlanta allergy.

If you start to notice that certain things irritate your body, you should take note of them. If it is something you inhale, it might give you a stuffy nose or irritate the throat. However, when it is something you eat, the results can range from stomach upsets to swelling on your body. Once correctly identify what triggers the reaction, you will be able to take steps to avoid them.

Dust mites are small creatures which love to hide under carpets, in mattresses, or pillows. When most people inhale them, they end up sneezing or with irritated nasal passages. Using mattress covers and pillow cases, is one way to get rid of them. You also need to properly clean your carpets, sofa covers, and even stuffed animals with hot water, to kill the mites.

Fungi like mold reproduce by spores and also live in humid environments. When a person with a mold allergy inhales these spores, their body will react and they will get sick. The best way to deal with these organisms is to make sure your home is not humid. You can use a dehumidifier to remove the moisture form the air.

The flowers and grasses which bloom during spring are beautiful, but the pollen they release affects quite a number of people. On extremely windy days, you are advised not to go out unless you have to. If you do happen to go outside, you will need to wear a pollen mask and sunglasses. These small grains stick to the skin and clothes. You will therefore, need to shower and wash your clothes once you get back home.

If you own a pet, then the fur from the cat or dog could be the problem. Unless the irritation is severe, you will not have to get rid of the animal. You should, however, try to keep them away from carpeted areas, as the fur will be left on the carpet. You will also need to keep the out of your bed room.

There are medicines and even vaccines, which are supposed to lessen the reactions the body has to certain allergens. However, the only sure way to avoid getting sick, is to stay away from the things which trigger the allergy in the first place.

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