The History Of Bhutan Flag For The Future

Posted by Unknown on 1:22 AM with No comments
By Clod Rodgers

Mountainous Bhutan, half the size of Indiana, is situated on the southeast slope of the Himalayas, bordered on the north and east by Tibet and on the south and west and east by India. The landscape consists of a succession of lofty and rugged mountains and deep valleys.

As a result of the rugged inaccessibility of the country and its policy of self-imposed isolation. Bhutan may be the only nation in the world that has remained a sovereign independent country throughout its recorded history which goes back to the 7th century A D. Though small in size and population Bhutan has always taken pride in its unique national identity and rich cultural and religious heritage. The history of Bhutan is closely linked with the spread of Buddhism in the Himalayas.

One of the national symbols of the Kingdom of Bhutan, the Bhutanese national flag was officially adopted in 1969. The flag of Bhutan is diagonally separated into two halves: the upper left half is orange/ yellow and the lower right half is orange. In the middle of the flag is an emblem of a white dragon facing to the right. The dragon is seen holding jewels in its claws and these signify the nation's wealth.

Bhutan is a religious nation with Buddhism as its official religion. Bhutanese people call their nation as 'Druk Yul' or 'Place where there is the Thunder Dragon'. Bhutanese trust that thunder is really the voices of the mythical serpent thundering. In this manner, the winged serpent in the center of the banner or "Druk" has a profound relationship with the nation itself.

The jewels in dragon's claws represent the wealth and prosperity of the nation. The snarling dragon represents the male and female deities who are always protecting the country, its King and the people from harm and are inimical to outside forces that are threatening them. In Bhutan, the democratic government shares its power with the King representing the monarchy.

In the late twelfth century and the start of the thirteenth century, a monastery was set up in Bhutan, which was known as the "Druk" (which means the 'Thunder Dragon') and the sect it represented was called 'Drukpas'. From that point forward, the winged serpent has ended up entwined with Bhutan. The Flag Company Inc represented considerable authority in banner outlines offered a unique release of decals and banners to retain Bhutan Flag part for the eventual fate of its nation.

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