How To Tackle Big Dreams

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By Evan Sanders

I hate mentioning this, but for the mass majority fear is stronger than any other emotion in the world.

If you don't have a dogged determination to accomplish your dreams and do what you've never done in life, you are going to fail in that journey every single time. However, if you are ready to tackle your dreams and give it a shot, there's one way you can really do it.

Eric Thomas, a famous motivational speaker, tells a great story about what it really takes to bring a tree in the forest down. He says that if you strike a tree in 1,000 different places it's going to stand tall, be a bit cut up, but still stand nonetheless. However, if you strike a tree in the same place every single time for 1,000 times, it will inevitable fall. This is how you have to view your dreams and goals.

In order to bring your dreams to reality, you have to develop a concrete plan that you are going to stick to and strike over and over at it until it comes to life. Sure, there will be times where you wonder what's going to happen in the future, but bring yourself back to your daily actions that are going to help you become successful. Bring yourself back to striking at the same point to bring that dream into a reality.

Why? Because when you accomplish something you've never done before you are given a new sense of belief you've never had before.

Every time you go beyond your comfort zone and go after what you want in this world you become someone new. You grow into someone you've never been before and bring the best qualities out in you. You get creative. You get persistence. You become determined to see this through for better or for worse. Sure it could take longer than you anticipated, but you must carry on.

Day after day strike again and again at your vision.

Don't let your dreams die. Those dreams are there with you for a reason. When you finally do decide to tackle your big dreams, go after them with a sense of courage and determination. Decide that you are going to see them through no matter what and that you will do whatever it takes to get to that place.

This journey could change your life.

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