The Benefits Of Historical Fiction For Tweens

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By Karyn Shields

Encouraging a child to be a reader is really important. Just about everything they learn in school and in the work place will depend on reading. Those with strong reading skills always do better in school than those who struggle. One of the most important ways to become a good reader is through practice. Parents often comment that they find good literature to get their kids interested.

Finding the right genre to get kids interested is typically the biggest challenge. One of the best ways to be both entertained and to learn is through a good selection of historical fiction for tweens. This age group, the in between stage, is one of the most difficult to shop for. There are plenty of early readers aimed at younger children. There are also many books specially written for teens. But finding just the right combination for the tween group can be very challenging.

Regular trips to the library or local book store provides one of the best ways to get kids interested. They should be given plenty of opportunities to choose their own books and pursue their interests. Often finding well written historical fiction about a topic the child is studying in school is a great way to develop the reading habit. Suddenly a whole new world opens up to them and this can really be a life altering event.

Many children enjoy reading books that feature the same characters in a series. This allows them to get to know the characters, just like real friends. It also helps a young reader because they do not have to focus on learning a whole new set of names and personalities. In fact, many parents and teachers say that finding a really good series is often the breakthrough that gets the children on the road to reading success.

Although it can be surprising to many parents even young children seem to enjoy stories with blood and gore. They need to understand this is quite natural and they do not need to be worried. Many parents feel that they should protect their youngsters from the harsh realities of life and are careful about what they watch on TV. However, reading a book is a very different story. Feelings and emotions can be expressed in a lot more depth allowing the reader to make more sense of the events and actions.

A good author knows that their readers need to be able to relate to their characters. They love to see some of their qualities in the story line. Children who are too perfect do not make the best characters. The young reader is often drawn to naughty or mischievous characters who do not always do as they should. However, it is important that there is always a consequence for such behaviors and that the character learns a lesson.

Many people, both adults and children, have the impression that history is boring. One of the best ways to get over this negative attitude is to start reading really good fiction. It can show the reader that history involves people just like them and is actually very exciting.

Once children find out the historic themed books can be fun and exciting they will soon become avid readers. They will also get a great sense of satisfaction when they learn all about major historical figures and events, such as George Washington, Winston Churchill and Martin Luther King. Getting a good start on their education will always be an advantage.

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