Increase sales and secure more jobs!

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Still struggling to retain customers thanks to the insurance companies' long deadlines?

If you're continuing to have trouble with understanding the nuances of various insurance policies, or with finding the time to follow up with insurance or mortgage companies for settlement payments, reach out to The Virtual PA! 

We're here to make your job easier!

When you partner with The Virtual PA, you can eliminate the friction caused by dealing with your customers' insurance companies.

We've created a simple, claims settlement system that helps contractors just like you secure more jobs, get more revenue from each client, and reduce client loss rate.

Do you know how to:
  • Get paid for law and ordinance coverage? 
  • Get overhead and profit paid? 
  • Get supplements paid efficiently?
 We Do
We've been doing this for over a decade, and we have a team of specialists dedicated to understanding the ins and outs of the insurance claim process and the various insurance legislation in each state, so we've got the experience to get your customers up to 570% more for property damage insurance claims.
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Contact us today for more information on how a partnership with The Virtual PA can help your business scale up, at no cost to you.

We look forward to partnering with you!

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