How To Minimize The Adverse Effects Of Hazardous Wastes

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By Carolyn Roberts

The pace of progress has been very fast in the past centuries. World population has increased resulting in greater demand for consumer items which necessitates increases in production capacity. This has made companies expand its operations to meet market demands. This is how the economy works and with it comes the problem of waste. Residential and industrial wastes can be properly handled by hazardous waste disposal NY.

The early inhabitants of the planet did not have to deal with pollution and industrial wastes as we do today. Life was laid back then as the inhabitants needed only simple things. Technology was yet to be developed. Their main concern was survival. The trash they dealt with were natural. Fecal matter, dead animals, rotting plants. Things that nature to care of through bio-degradation.

Biodegradable materials are organic matters that naturally rots and decays through the natural process by which these are acted upon by protozoans, fungi, and bacteria. In this process, poisonous substances are rendered less poisonous or are even eliminated. This was the main waste eliminator during ancient times when humans first walked this planet.

Urban areas are the manifestation of the effects of progress brought about by technological advances. Much of the world population is concentrated only in a very small area, and this is the urban area. Human activity which is always related to economics is all concentrated here. Commerce, trading, industrial manufacturing is all present in this place.

The coming of the industrial age brought with it some serious problems. The most serious one is the accumulation of industrial waste. This had to be dealt with as it had serious effects on the environment. Factories and manufacturing plants churned out waste at a very rapid rate and these were just thrown or channeled into the ocean or in waterways.

Businessmen during those times were unconcerned about what heavy industries and manufacturing plants were doing to the environment. They turned a blind eye for their only concern was making money. The government did not fare better as their only concern was getting hefty taxes. They were oblivious of what was going on. Such things as animal extinction, Fish kill, the disappearing forests, all these escaped their attention.

Some concerned sectors and organizations made serious studies on the impact of industrialization and urbanization only during the twentieth century. These were made in the aftermath of unforeseen and unpredictable natural disasters. It was only during this time frame that the El Nino and La Nina phenomenon were fully explained. Its serious effects have made people more environmentally conscious.

Governments the world over are also becoming conscious and concerned about the environment. All nations now have environmental protection agencies. Various legislation has also been enacted that serve to protect the environment with heavy penalties to offending companies. Overall, world population is more environmentally conscious than it had been in the past.

Such simple practice as waste segregation multiplied and magnified a million times can have a very big impact in controlling the proliferation of hazardous trash materials. Ordinary family members can contribute by just following basic sanitation and cleaning. Corporate owned heavy industries who are mainly responsible for all the hazardous wastes must exercise appropriate management of these.

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