The Benefits Of An Emotional Intelligence Leadership Training For Your Workplace

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By Paul Ward

Drug-free workplaces are the best places to work at. It means that you will be surrounded by people who are fresh, healthy and ready to work. When you are surrounded by people who consume drugs, it becomes hard to trust them. There are many benefits to implementing an emotional intelligence leadership training for your workplace.

Education is key in many instances. It is easy to have a policy written but do people understand what it means? In some cases, no. Let alone not knowing where to find it and to expect people of this generation to read something lengthy is impossible. It is always good to have a dedicated person or team whose job is to educate staff on such issues so that they understand what is allowed and not allowed in the work environment.

Creating a support room is not a bad idea. You can have one room in the office which is dedicated to one person at a time. Everyone is allowed to spend some time there when they feel overwhelmed. It will also allow others to see that you went in which means you have something going on. They will be allowed to come in and speak to you if they can offer support and if you agree to it.

Policies are still mandated and whether or not you believe in them, as a business you need to have it. The last thing you need is a staff member breaking the law and stating that you don t have anything in writing telling them they can t. Ask your lawyer to have this drawn for you.

It is important to give employees a break every now and then. A good idea would be to hire someone experienced who speaks about substances abuse and how to manage it when you are a working professional. Choose one day every few months to host such events for your employees. It may not seem like it, but they may need it more than you think.

The other policy which you can consider adopting is doing a drug test. This needs to be drawn up as an agreement with the rest of the board member, however, in most businesses this can be done without providing staff with notice. Which means, it will be easy to catch out those who have done the wrong. If they know that this could happen at any time, they are likely to use it less and especially when they know they are coming to work.

If you are not sure about which methods will work best, you can always get in touch with other companies who you know have such steps in place to keep their business free from this. Ask for a meeting and get their insights. You can also come with your ideas and discuss whether they think it will be successful and whether they have tried it before in the past.

Implementing such rules are never easy and the admin involved is even harder, however, at the end of it, you will reap the rewards.

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