When Hiring A Custody Attorney Corvalis Couples Put The Interests Of Their Children First

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By Janet Snyder

Broken homes have sadly become common in modern times. Single parent families are no longer rare. Many children seldom see their parents together and many more see one of their parents infrequently. It is a sad fact that children are often the ones ending up with the short end of the stick, even more so if their parents are involved in a custodial dispute. With the services of a custody attorney Corvalis couples can make sure that the interests of their children are protected.

When a couple decides to divorce they have to make numerous decisions, perhaps most importantly about the future of their children. If the divorce is uncontested then it is often possible to reach amicable agreement on these issues and sensible parents will want only the best for their children. If the divorce is contested decisions regarding the future of the children will be made by the court.

A large percentage of contested cases end up in court solely because of custodial disagreements. The parents may disagree on matters such where and with whom the children will stay, what school they should attend, the amount that should be paid for maintenance, visitation rights and a host of other issues. Such battles are often acrimonious and the children are often the ones that suffer in the process.

Sometimes couples hire a lawyer that is experienced in this field in order to help them make vital decisions on the future of their children. The lawyer can help them to understand the laws that govern custodial matters and he can inform the couple on their rights and also the rights of the children. In many cases such a lawyer can help the couple to reach an agreement and keep the affair out of open court.

If the matter must be decided by the court each partner will have to hire a lawyer and this van be an extremely expensive exercise. Such cases can become very complex. Courts do not make hasty decisions on custodial matters. The judge may order counselling and a report from a social worker before he will be willing to make a decision.

The decision of the court regarding custodial matters is not cast in stone. If the circumstances of the parent with custody changes, the other partner can approach the court anew. They same is true when one parent believes that the children are maltreated or where a parent plans to move to another state or even abroad. In such cases the court can change the original decision.

As children grow older, they may express a wish to gain more say in their own lives. This often causes conflict between their parents. It is imperative that parents, in such cases, behave sensibly and agree to communicate in an adult manner in order to make decisions that are in the best interests of their children. The children should never be allowed to pitch their parents against each other.

Children from broken homes often develop behavioural disorders but this need not be the case if the parents, from the very beginning, reassured them that they are loved and cherished by both their parents, even if they are divorced. Children need security and both parents need to provide that sense of security. It is their sacred duty.

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