Lubbock Truck Accident Attorney Will Provide Assistance After A Crash With An Semi

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By Audie Ketchie

Accidents that involve 18 wheelers are usually way more intense and devastating than a standard car accident. You are likely going to have to go to the hospital immediately following the accident. While you are in the hospital, it is important that you get a Lubbock truck accident attorney to help you by investigating the situation so that you can go to court.

When you get an attorney to defend you in a wreck with an 18 wheeler, there are a couple of different things they will do to investigate the situation to make sure that it is the truck driver's fault. There are plenty of smaller things they do in between, but these major steps will go a long way to proving your innocence.

Initial Steps of an Truck Accident Attorney

Once you get in touch with a lawyer, they will show up at the hospital to have a conversation with you personally. They make an appearance because they want to talk to you one on and one and get your story first hand. They will also want to be able to see what damages you suffered from the accident and what problems could pop up in the future.

When your attorney is finished talking to you, the next thing they will do is go and find the truck driver. The lawyer's job at this point is to check the story of the truck driver. They will make sure that the driver was not impaired due to lack of sleep or taking anything that would have impaired his or her driving abilities.

The Detailed Approach

It is crucial that your attorney gets in touch with the police who did the report on your accident. They are going to need a copy of the police report, photos, and witness testimony from the police officers who handled the case. This information is going to be used to help form a structure for your case against the trucking company.

From this point, they are going to want to speak to the trucking company's lawyer and the insurance company. Being able to speak with these two groups of people means your lawyer is going to know what their position is on the accident.

Your Lubbock truck accident attorney will then request a copy of the truck's black box. All trucks have a black box installed that activate when the truck brakes suddenly or makes an awkward turn. The information can be reviewed to see what exactly happened and who was responsible.

Last Things Before Court

Now your lawyer is going to have to sit down and go over everything they gathered from their investigation. This step might take them some time, but they need that time to build your case up.

Depending on the circumstances of the case and the truck and insurance companies involved, it can take a while for a case like this to settle. You can bet that your Lubbock truck accident attorney is going to do everything they can to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

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