You Can Increase Safety At Your Oceanside Restaurant Using Fire Systems

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By Mark Mahaffey

As the owner of an Oceanside restaurant, you should be aware of the huge danger you are under of a fire breaking out. Fires are a danger that restaurant owners face; therefore, you should take steps to keep your customers protected from a fire emergency.

It is easy for a fire to break out in a restaurant. If you think about it, this makes sense. The stoves and ovens used in restaurants are usually large and powerful, creating a lot of heat. And if a fire starts in the kitchen area, it is likely that it would pretty speedily spread and create a dangerous situation for your employees and for your customers

Fire systems are a great way to keep the danger of fire low. These systems can be programmed to detect not only smoke, but also heat. They are sensitive to temperature changes, so that even if a fire is not making a lot of smoke, the temperature change will trip the sensor and then sent out warnings to the people in the restaurant, as well as to the monitoring service.

Once the monitoring service gets the alert from your system, they can call the fire department which will then send help to you. If you also have sprinklers installed, those sprinklers can be set to turn on when the fire breaks out.

Sprinklers can be programmed to turn on when the system is triggered. The benefit to having sprinklers is huge, because the water they spray can actually prevent the fire from spreading too much, making it easier for the fire workers to put out when they arrive.

Does your restaurant have a fire evacuation procedure? If not, you should draw one up immediately. Make sure your workers know where all the doors are and the best way to quickly get the customers out of the building if a fire occurs.

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