Visiting A Colorado Springs Orthodontist Practice

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By Kenny Reid

Each year many people are happy they visited their local Colorado Springs Orthodontist. These dental professionals are highly trained to work on correcting crooked and misaligned teeth. Having teeth that do not align properly is much more than a cosmetic problem. It can eventually cause damage to the teeth and result in pain and decay.

When teeth grow in crowded and overlapping each other they are very difficult, and sometimes impossible to keep clean. No matter how diligently the individual brushes they are unable to remove plaque and food particles. It does not take long for this matter to cause problems, ranging from bad breath to complete deterioration of a tooth. This in turn can lead to painful damage to the nerves and expensive root canal treatments. It is much better to have the teeth professionally aligned to create a straight and healthy smile.

The technical term for misaligned teeth is malocclusions. This includes not only crooked teeth, but also improper bites and other irregularities. In some cases the jaw relationships are so disproportionate the patient has severe dental crowding and frequent pain. A Colorado Springs orthodontists will spend many hours working individually with each person to achieve the most effective outcome.

In some cases the jaw bones are disproportionate to each other. This leads to over or under bites that can affect the ability to chew properly. In addition the patient may well suffer from acute self consciousness that often has a profound impact on their lives. Working with a Colorado Springs orthodontists will help them achieve their goal of a beautiful smile and a healthy set of teeth.

The diagnosis phase can take quite a lot of time and the patient should be prepared to make several visits to the office. The exact characteristics of the problems need to the thoroughly examined by the doctor, who must then construct a course of treatment that takes into account the needs and desires of the patient.

Many children need to have braces fitted by orthodontists Colorado Springs, usually around the age of ten to twelve years old. Although it is possible for children as young as five to have braces, it is more typical to wait until the second teeth have all erupted before beginning treatment. If serious dental problems are left uncorrected the child will often become very self conscious and their self esteem may suffer.

The braces need to be made for each patient and must be worn for anywhere between a few months to a year. The braces are made of wires which gradually move the teeth into the correct position. The wires are made from either stainless steel or ceramics. However, the new Invisilign braces are also available. They are made of clear plastic and are barely noticeable.

Anyone who is concerned about their own or a family member's crooked or out of alignment teeth should visit their local orthodontists Colorado Springs. They will receive professional and courteous treatment that is tailored to their individual needs. The doctor will explain all their options and even help them set up a payment plan.

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