
Some Jamaican Charities Are Doing A Great Job

By Gary Green

One of the best human qualities is compassion. Blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy. Being able to console and help the suffering people is what makes someone to be human. Charity work is about mercy and compassion. It is not about collecting monies and using such monies to pay people fat salaries. Of course, there are the dubious charity organizations and then there are the Jamaican charities that are doing great works. Actually, the selected few reputable charities are changing Jamaica for the better. They are solving everyday problems and leaving people with smiles.

Poverty is a scar in the conscience of Jamaica and the world in general. It is the greatest irony that the world has an abundance of gold and silver yet there are people who are surviving on less than a dollar a day. Some developing nations even have mineral wealth but more than half of the population is living in poverty.

Poverty has solutions and some charity organizations are already implementing such solutions in Jamaica. First, there is the need to deal with the poverty mindset. Sometimes, poverty is a mindset thing. Secondly, people need to be financial empowered. There are institutions that are providing micro-finance loans to underprivileged individuals in the third world. With a loan, one can start a thriving business.

In some place, people have to travel for miles so that to get water and the water that they obtain is water that is not fit for human consumption. The United Nations has put in place measures to make sure that all human being can easily access clean water. Non-governmental organizations are also helping in this area by digging boreholes in different places.

Water is the most basic human need. The others are food, shelter and clothing. According to leading scientists of Ivy League institutions, one can survive for only a few days without water. On the other hand, one can leave for a number of weeks without food. In some parts of the world there is hunger and malnutrition.

The goal of eliminating hunger is a very noble endeavor. That is what some Jamaica charities are focusing on. There is the need to distribute relief foods to the areas where they are required the most. People should also be enlightened on how to prevent droughts. The problem of deforestation has to be dealt with head on so that to eliminate droughts.

The passport to the future is education. The weapon against ignorance is information. Ignorance is one of the leading killers in society. With an educated population, the future of Jamaica will be great. The most powerful thing is not nuclear weapons. It is knowledge combined with wisdom. There are charities that are building schools and distributing books.

It is good to help people who are in need. In the West, many people have high standards of living. However, that is not the case in other parts of the world. There are many people who are struggling to make a living. Charities have lifted many people from poverty. One can decide to contribute money to a reputable charity organization.

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