
Dogs Seem To Make Us Happy

By Willie Pillie

If you live in the United States, then you must be curious as to what kind of dogs live in your country. Maybe you're in the market for a dog; maybe you're a zoologist and you want to know more; or you might be part of a dog club and you want expand your knowledge on the breeds. Whatever reason you have, it's good to know the kind of dogs that live in the United States. What are the kinds of dogs that live in the USA? They're not the popular breeds you come to know and love like Husky or Labrador. There are breeds that originated from the USA due to the living conditions so here are some of the kinds of dogs that live there in the USA.

Why take matters into your own hands? Because you're the pet owner and it's your responsibility. Also because you have to think of ways that will suit everyone. If no one can do it, you're going to have to do it yourself. If your pets are clawing down on something like a door or a very elegant-looking object, give your pets something to scratch on. It can be anything from an old cardboard to a tough-as-nails folder you used for school projects. Eventually, the pets will find that your alternative is better than what they were scratching on anyway.

I'll have to admit: unique traits that dogs have is cute. All dogs in the world are unique in every way and it shows. My friend's dog, which is a Labrador, likes to sit with his owners. The dog is like human and I find that very cute. Another friend of mine has a dog who sleeps with him in his bedroom. There's something about these traits I find very cute. This applies mostly to dogs who are small but it can be done with large dogs. I just love seeing dogs all dressed-up. I see dogs with skirts, I see dogs with capes (ala Superman) and I see dogs with suits. Its fun and cute to see them all dressed like humans.

If they like to bite on things that you don't like them to bite on (i.e. arms, ankles, socks, favorite action figure) put a little zest of lemons while they bite. They'll find the taste too cringe-y for their own taste that they'll discontinue with their biting. While taking these matters into your own hands, how about reading and watching the methods in doing these yourself? You can find books and videos of the famous Cesar Milan (aka Dog Whisperer) and other pet experts in the world to aid you in your quest to help you in dealing with your pet's behavior.

Cute dogs always seem to put a smile on our faces when we least expect. Sometimes we can be sitting there wondering about our lives. We see a cute dog and then all of our trouble seems to disappear and go away. It is always amazing to see a pet that puts a smile on someone's face. It actually amazes me because it's an instant cure for feeling happier.

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