
The Merits Of Hiring Professionals Who Offer Termites Control Jensen Beach

By Douglas Patterson

Termites are present in all states in the United States apart from Alaska. They are several species and they can cause a lot of damage. These insects feed on cellulose, a compound that is present in most plant cell walls. Since wood contains cellulose, these insects feed on it. These pests can also destroy papers, insulation, books, swimming pool liners, filtration systems and living trees as well as shrubs.

About six hundred thousand homes in the U. S. A sustain termite damage each year. It is possible to keep termites from infesting your property by making sure that the wooden parts of your home do not have direct contact with soil, making sure that water does not pool near the foundation and keeping firewood twenty feet or more from your house. If the insects have already infested your home, it is recommendable to hire a professional to get rid of them. By hiring a professional who offers termites control Jensen Beach inhabitants can eradicate the pests effectively and safely.

In order to get rid of termites, knowledge about building construction is required. This makes it easier to identify critical places where the insects are likely to enter. Most of these entry points are hidden and cannot be accessed easily by people who are not knowledgeable about building construction.

The experts who offer termite control services own special equipment like large capacity tanks, pumps, masonry drills and soil treatment rods among other tools. One of the termite treatment methods that professionals use is termiticides. When carrying out a typical treatment, these experts usually inject many gallons of termiticides into the ground below concrete slabs, along the foundation and within foundation walls.

Liquid termiticides have been used for many years. They act as a long lived chemical barrier, which keeps termites from getting into a building. Liquid termiticides also eliminate the pests that have already infested a building.

Baiting is the other method used to eradicate termites. Termite baits consist of cardboard, paper or other palatable food that is combined with a slow acting substance, which is lethal to these insects. The professionals install these baits in cylindrical plastic stations below the ground out in the yard. They can place others indoors over mud tubes where termite activity is evident. The insects eat the bait and share it with their nest mates and their numbers decrease gradually. Sometimes, professionals can use baits together with liquid applications.

When applied in the right way, liquid termiticides can control the pests for more than five years. Some of the factors that determine the actual length of control on a certain structure include environmental conditions, the thoroughness of application and level of infestation. Insects that to infest a building after treatment usually pass through untreated gap in the barrier. Therefore, it is important to apply the termiticides properly.

Before you hire a termite treatment company in Jensen Beach, FL, you should ensure that it offers a guarantee. Seeking to know more about the conditions and terms of the warranty and how long it remains valid is also important. The firm can retreat the affected places without charging you extra fees as long as the warranty is valid. It is wise to choose a reputable company because it can provide you with high quality services.

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