
Kent WA Headache Pain Alleviated Naturally With Chiropractic

By Hellen Moare

Mild headaches happen to most people and subside on their own. They are not a major problem. However, the same is not true of migraine or cluster headaches. These may cause nausea and vomiting. They are disabling and make working impossible. The best way to combat them is to consult a leading chiropractor Kent WA has to offer.

The severe cluster and migraine headaches are linked to vascular problems. However, researchers are still unsure of the exact cause. There is a limit to what can be done to help. Chiropractic care might include gentle massage. An inventory of the sufferers diet may be helpful as these are linked to certain foods.

Avoiding these foods in the future might prevent more migraines. It is impossible to do anything but sit quietly in a dark room until the pain subsides. There are medications that have had minor success in alleviating the pain. But, not everyone is willing to take medication.

Excruciating pain around one eye is indicative of the cluster headache. It can affect the entire face, the neck and shoulders. One sided, the pain is followed by redness around the eye and tearing up frequently. Swelling also occurs.

Other characteristics is they occur on a schedule over a period of time. If you lie down to get relief it may get worse. Most of these occur at night and last from a quarter of an hour to three hours. They stop suddenly leaving you exhausted but pain free.

Cluster headaches follow a pattern, then stop for awhile. They are intense and seem to be connected in some way to an abnormal hypothalamus. Chiropractic care provides insight and ways to prevent a future episode. Access to professional advice is always helpful.

Do not take naps late in the afternoon or in the evening. Exposure to chemicals and changes in altitude are suspect. Oxygen levels may be related. Your chiropractor will place his or her attention on discovering what triggers you may have. There may be none in relation to the cluster headaches. A chiropractor cares for and alleviates the pain of all kinds of headaches.

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