
Ideas On What Makes A Good Supervisor

By Dorothy Gibson

Although the exact job description may vary depending on the field, supervisors are generally a link between the management and the employees. They communicate the objectives of the firm to the employees and ensure that these are met. They must also ensure that the employees, the most resourceful resource of any company, have their needs addressed by the management. In this article we will briefly loot at what makes a good supervisor.

A good supervisor is one who has interactive communication skills. If the employee does not know what your desires are then it is very difficult for them to deliver the required results. The communication should flow back and forth such that feedback from employees is considered in decision making. There is a need to create an environment that gives employees to communicate without feeling intimidated.

You need to be ready to delegate duties among the employees. There are many benefits of doing this. For example, it helps employees grow in skill and increases their sense of responsibility. The level of trust between you and the employees increases and this tends to be fed into the overall productivity. You have more time to oversee the important aspects of the project since you do not have to micromanage the smaller components.

Another important attribute is flexibility. In many instances, there are more than one ways of accomplishing a certain task. You need to be alive to the changes that are taking place in the work place so as to make adjustments that will increase productivity for the good of the employees and your seniors. Adopting a hard-line position is likely to create friction between you and the employees or with the rest of the management.

You need to maintain a high level of integrity. Remember that you are being watched from all directions. Your seniors expect nothing short of this and the employees need an example to emulate. Avoid making compromises under the influence of negative influences. If you cannot fulfill a promise, do not make it. Consistency in honesty is one of the reasons you may earn that promotion sooner than you except.

A supervisor should be able to inspire the other employees. This means that you must interact with your employees closely. Employees are usually at different stages of evolution and grow at different rates. Unique talents should be identified and nurtured for the good of the individual and the entire team. Those that have weaknesses should be encouraged to work harder and improve. This makes you more of steward rather than a boss.

It is common for persons that get promoted to be supervisors to be overcome by pride. This has been shown to be a cause of poor performance in the workplace. Humility is vital for the success of any leadership position. While remaining confident in your work, acknowledge the effort that has been made by other people and avoid looking down upon them.

As you start on your role as a supervisor, challenges will be numerous. Initially you may have to put up with lots of expectations from the management and uncooperative employees. Strive to improve yourself on a daily basis by learning from your seniors and juniors. Read leadership books and attend trainings on a regular basis.

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