
A Look At Egyptian Mau For Sale

By Debra Rogers

There are different breeds for cats. One of commonly known is Egyptian maus. The breed is composed of cats that range from small to medium sized ones. They have short hairs. They are naturally spotted and the spotting occurs at the tip of hairs. Due to their attractive appearance people tend to look for Egyptian Mau for sale so that they can buy them.

Their hind legs are normally longer than front ones. Their body seems to be muscular and a bit composed. They have a tiptoeing appearance when standing. After taking a leap they usually land with their hind legs a situation that makes them have a kangaroo appearance. They have high moving speed compared to other breeds, which is as a result of their strong and long hind legs which produces longer strides.

They have very nice voices which are attractive to listen to. However, when under dangerous situation, they produce another sound that is not pleasing to listen to. When relaxing they seem to rest over the tails with all limbs on the ground. Facial expression and color of eyes generally changes with the mood. Another important feature of these animals is that they are able to learn and understand what is happening around them. This indicates that they are intelligent pets. Their ears are very sensitive too.

They are very sensitive to other organisms around them and enjoy remaining quite when near people. At times when two or more, they like chirping at each other and are likely to be found seated at the window chattering as they watch birds from the outside. They are wonderful, gentle and patient pets that like getting well with the children and other organism within the house.

When close to the toys, they are seen playing and showing different styles that are admirable to look at, due to dexterity with which their beautiful claws move. After giving birth they tend to engage in activates that intend to teach the kittens about good house manners. They view every small item within their reach an item to play with. Due to these characteristics, it is advisable to keep all important small components beyond their reach.

These animals like eating a lot a situation that makes them very fat within a short period of time. This means that the pet owner has the duty to regulate their health by making sure that the food presented to them is well regulated in terms of quantity and quality. Provide them with enough water too. This is because too much fresh water is good for their health. They use water for playing purposes.

The dead hairs ought to be removed from them frequently so as to make them remain beautiful. You need to keep checking their ears to make sure that they remain clean most of time. If not, make sure that you use tissue to clean them if are found dirty. Health ayes look bright and shiny. Nails should be kept short by trimming them frequently mainly once within two weeks.

History reveals that they are one of oldest breeds in the world. Spotting of their hairs is a feature which makes them different from the others. In Egypt they were well protected by the law and anyone caught doing unjust to them was punished severely by the law.

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