
When Hiring Lemon Law Lawyers Los Angeles CA Victims Can Resolve Consumer Problems

By Elaine Guthrie

Buying a new car, computer or long wished for appliance only to find out that it is a dud must be one of the most disappointing experiences consumers can have. Unfortunately, this happens all too often. Many consumers struggle to get manufacturers to replace or refund faulty products. In many cases the wronged consumer even struggle to find the appropriate person to talk to. However, when appointing lemon law lawyers Los Angeles CA residents can be sure that they will resolve their problems.

Consumers often think that they will be protected by the warranty supplied when they buy a product. However, there are two different types of warranty. Express warranties are those that are supplied in writing by the supplier or manufacturer of the product. Such warranties are often limited and they expire after a stated period. Many consumers struggle to get manufacturers to honour express warranties.

Then there are implied warranties. They are not necessarily in writing, but they promise the consumer that the product has been manufactured to certain minimum standards regarding quality, performance and safety. If the product does not comply with these minimum standards the manufacturer undertakes to replace it, repair it or to pay back the purchase amount. Unfortunately, it is often very difficult to get the manufacturer to honour the implied warranty.

Consumers have always had the short end of the stick. That is, until the Magnuson Moss Warranty act was introduced in 1975. This federal act protects consumers against faulty products and is applicable in all states. However, the act only covers vehicles and some electric and electronic appliances. Fortunately, many states have introduced additional laws that provide consumers with protection against more faulty products.

When a consumer is convinced that he has been sold a faulty product he has to try and resolve the issue with the supplier or manufacturer. The manufacturer can offer to repair the product, replace it or offer a cash settlement. The important thing for the consumer is to keep detailed records of this process. Telephone calls, emails, personal conversations and letters must all be kept in case the matter cannot be resolved.

Consumers seldom attain satisfaction from manufacturers and suppliers. When this is the case, they should hire an attorney that focuses on such cases. A consumer protection attorney will require detailed documentation and will then confront the manufacturer with the facts of the case. In most cases the manufacturer will opt for avoiding negative publicity and will try to settle the matter out of court.

There are many websites that are devoted to consumer protection issues. These are good places to find an attorney that specializes in these cases. Many sites also feature user feedback forums and this can help consumers to avoid attorneys that have repeatedly disappointed their clients.

Consumers should understand that they are not helpless. They are protected by many acts and if push comes to shove they can get an attorney willing to take on the big boys. In most cases it is well worth it to take the trouble to take negligent and non caring manufacturers to task.

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