
Tips For Proper Preparations On Grain Bin Monitoring

By Janine Hughes

When you have grains and such, you need to make certain that they do not fall prey to insect infestation. You need to prevent this as much as you can so that you do not put your storage into waste. That is why it is highly recommended that you do proper preparations when it comes to the said work.

Before you go ahead with the said storage, there are some tips that you can take advantage of to make the storage protected. To prepare well for proper grain bin monitoring, these tips should be adopted. Here are a few of those tips which you must take note of if you have grains you need to protect at all cost.

First, you should pick out which bins should be used in the storage. The bins should be suitable for this kind of purpose. Each of the bins you choose should be designated to a specific crop. Do not mix various crops in one container. It is also a must that these bins are properly cleaned before you use them.

It should be ideal for you to go natural. After all, going natural means that you are protected from harmful chemicals. A perfect example of the seeds you can store by going natural is the flax and canola. Do not use chemical insecticides such as the malathion with them because this can leave some residue in the seeds.

If you have plans to store cereals, then you have to pay attention to the insecticides that you use. You have to pick from among the several approved insecticides to use for the bins. These are the insecticides you will need to use to treat the interior of those empty bins that you will be using for the storage.

Keep the bins thoroughly cleaned. This is especially true when you are right before the great harvest. You have to clean up these bins so that you can eliminate any insects that are there. In cleaning the said bins, you just have to make use of high-pressure water and air to get rid of the contaminants in there.

In adding the grains to the bins, you will need to make sure to do so only after the said bins are cleaned thoroughly. Slowly add in the bins until it gets filled. Of course, you have to remember to ensure that the grains are added without filling it up to the brim and that the surface afterward is properly leveled.

Aeration is an important system when it comes to this. That is why you need to make certain that the aeration is properly cleaned. You also have to make certain that it is properly working before you go ahead and use it. The aeration should not be left out in the preparation because it can be bad if it does not work anymore.

You will have to go through other preparatory works for the storage. Accomplish them if you do not want to turn your efforts into storing these crops to waste. You do not want to waste the crops as well. Make sure to get the most of this storage by doing your preparatory works correctly.

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